The Stairs

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It had been a week since my first anniversary. Most had stayed the same.

"I need you to revise this report by the end of the day." Gray tossed a file onto my desk.

"What's wrong with it?" I looked up at him with my brows furrowed.

"It's just a total mess. Fix it." Gray didn't say anything more and walked away.

"Ugh!" My head dropped to hit the file on my desk.

Chloe rolled her chair over to my desk. "Don't sweat it. I'm sure you can figure it out."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and went back to my computer.

Garrett walked between our desks. "Hey Chloe, you doing anything after work? You think we could have dinner again?"

Oh my God. Why is today so bad? I concentrated on my work.

"Nick already asked me out tonight. Maybe some other time." Chloe smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh, okay." Garrett smiled weakly and walked back down the hallway.

I tried to ignore Chloe as she was still sitting next to me.

"I hope you don't mind. I know you guys only broke up a few weeks ago."

She spoke with an apologetic tone. I couldn't be mad at her. It wasn't her fault we broke up. And if she could deal with Garrett, then go for it.

"No, I don't mind." I kept working on my computer. If I didn't finish revising the report, Gray would be livid.

"I mean, we're not dating or anything. I've been going to dinner with Nick and guys in other departments too. They always pay." Chloe laughed.

I laughed with her sarcastically. She must have sensed I wasn't in the mood to talk and rolled herself back to her desk. Good for her to play the field. She didn't have to rub it in my face like that. Maybe she wasn't all as interested in him as I thought.

I wondered if they had slept together yet. A shiver went up my spine, and my stomach went into a knot. Why did I feel sick thinking about it? I don't have feelings for Garrett anymore. It was the same feeling I had whenever my ex-husband came home. I could smell perfume all over him.

A few hours later, I finished revising the report and emailed it to Gray to review. He was satisfied. Then he had me make copies of a form from a different client. I made my way to the copy machine at the other end of the hallway.

"Hey." Garrett was behind me all of a sudden and whispered in my ear.

I jumped.

"Jesus, what, Garrett?" I sighed and refused to turn to face him.

"What have you been saying about me to Chloe?"

"Nothing." I did not need this right now.

"Well, has she said anything about me?" He asked impatiently.

I finally turned around.

"Why the hell are you asking me that? Like I would want to talk to her about you."

I imagined myself grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. I should have taken up Vince's offer of transferring you!

"I just don't want you saying shit about me when I didn't do anything wrong." He hissed as he leaned closer to me.

"Nothing wrong?" I raised my voice.

I stared at him, wondering how he had the nerve to talk to me like that. He hadn't said more than ten words to me since the breakup.

Garrett stood back. All the Senior Researchers' desks were nearby. They all glanced up at us.

"Why do you think I broke up with you?" I asked him with a fake smile.

"Because you're paranoid and couldn't handle me." Garrett folded his arms over his chest.

I threw my head back and laughed mockingly.

"Paranoid? You mean how you used me and shamelessly flirted with other girls in front of me? I'm paranoid?"

Emily heard my raised voice and came over to us.

"Garrett, you know what you did wrong, don't make it out to be Gabriella's fault."

"What would you know?" Garrett scoffed. "Like you have a perfect relationship."

Before I could say anything, Gray strode to us and stood before Garrett. Garrett was a fit guy and a couple of inches taller than me. But when Gray was next to him, he looked so small.

Garrett had short blonde hair and blue eyes. They were almost opposite of each other. He liked to wear bright-colored shirts and ties. He loved socializing and tried to be the center of attention wherever he went.

Gray dark curly hair and glasses over his dark eyes. His work attire was either blue or black. He kept to himself most of the time, except for when it came to Emily.

"Get back to work and stop instigating these personal squabbles." Gray glared at Garrett.

All the men in our department were intimidated by Gray. It was funny how he gave off this domineering vibe but hated talking to people. I wondered if Gray would have said anything if Emily didn't get involved.

"Fine, fine." Garrett stepped back and defensively put his hands up. He walked around all of us back to his desk.

"Thanks for saying something." I looked at Emily.

Before Emily could respond, Gray stepped over and looked down at me. "Stop feeding into him. You should know better." He walked away again before I could respond.

"Excuse me?" I was talking to his back.

Emily grabbed my hand to stop me from following Gray. "Gabriella, he didn't mean it like that."

I brushed her hand off. "I'm going to lunch."

I walked away from everyone and went down the back stairs. I needed to get out of there. I wanted to avoid walking past everyone's desks to get to the elevator.

The walls and stairs were all greys. It looked like hardly anyone ever used them. I could hear my steps echo. It made me feel like I was an elephant.

I ran down quickly and lost my footing. I couldn't grab hold of the railing fast enough. My right knee landed hard on the corner of one of the steps. I rolled down to the first landing.

I lay there for a moment and grabbed onto my knee. It hurt so bad; I assumed it was bleeding. The throbbing wouldn't stop.

"Oh my God, Gabriella!" I heard Emily shouting for me.

I barely heard her quick light feet come down the stairs.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Just let me die here," I said half-jokingly. I was so embarrassed.

"Stop it. I'll get help." Emily was scolding me again.

She ran off. I heard her open the door to the stairway and realized something.

"Emily! Don't you dare get Gray!" I shouted at her.

"Emily! Don't you dare get Gray!" I shouted at her

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