The Black Cat

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Right after work, Gray and I drove to our apartments. After I parked my car, I got into Gray's and rode with him to the Black Cat. I was very nervous. It felt like a date. But Gray didn't specify if it was a date. He said he wanted to talk over drinks. Would I have said yes if he did say it was a date?

The bar was relatively quiet since it was still early in the evening. It was more lit up than I was used to. There were much more details to see before they dimmed the lights at night. I never noticed the stocked corner of chips and candy bars by the register. 

There were novelty signs hung above the bar as well. One said, "I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong." I giggled to myself as I pictured Gray saying something like that.

"What's funny?" Gray turned and smiled at me.

"Heh, just reading some of these signs." I looked back at all the signs.

"I can order drinks, if you want to find us a table. What would you like?"

I was about to answer him, but a loud laugh stopped me. I recognized the overbearing laugh and turned around.

"No way." I groaned.

I noticed Gray saw her too, and his eyes widened. He grabbed my hand and led me to a small table in the back corner.

We sat down and watched Autumn from across the room. It didn't seem like she noticed us. She was sitting at the bar with a man. She was laughing and constantly putting her hand on his shoulder. Then she stood up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. It was more stumbling than walking. Autumn looked very drunk.

I looked up at Gray. His facial expression went from angry to amused.

"How long do you think she's been here? She only left two hours ago for her doctor's appointment. I know with my appointments, I have to wait thirty minutes just to see the doctor." I said.

Gray didn't say anything.

I continued. "And wasn't a part of her having to leave work so early was because the hospital she goes to is across town? That's another thirty minutes of driving through town."

Autumn returned to the bar and talked to the man she was with. He wrote something down and handed it to her. She thanked him with a hug and a kiss, and they both walked out the door to leave.

"Come on." Gray stood up and headed for the bar.

I wondered what Gray was going to do. There was no way Autumn went to the doctor, got back to this side of town, and got that drunk that quickly.

Gray leaned over the bar as the bartender came over to serve us.

"The couple that just left. Are they here often?" Gray asked.

"Yeah, at least a few times a week. Why?" The bartender looked like he was interested in hearing some juicy gossip.

"Do you know what time they got here?" Gray sat down.

I knew Gray was thinking the same as me.

"It was about two hours ago." The bartender answered.

"It that when they normally come in?" I asked.

The bartender smiled at me. "Why do you want to know? How do you know them?"

"Because she's been leaving work early almost every day to go to doctor appointments!" I raised my voice. I was getting angrier the more I realized what Autumn had been doing.

Gray put his hand on my thigh.

"This is perfect." He smiled at me.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't think of any reason why this was a good thing.

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