Chapter 1: Meeting the Gang

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-Audrey's POV-

I sigh in relief as I finish filming for this new tv show in California. I get in my car and drive to Starbucks. I pay for my coffee as I'm waiting to get it. I decide to call my brother, Alex. "Hey sis," He says. I hit the FaceTime button as I notice he is on the RV with the Destination Fear crew.

"Hey bro. How have you and the gang been?" I ask.

"We've been good. My location is almost next. Hey, are you filming anything right now?" He questions. I shake my head no.

"Do you want me to fly you out, and you surprise the gang? I know they want to see you," He explains.

"Sure. I would love to see Chelsea and you again. I love Dak and Tanner, but I miss my brother and best friend so much," I fake cry. I grab my coffee and drive to my apartment.

"The only thing is I have a year-old Aussie named Maverick. Is it okay if I bring him with me?" I ask him.

"I think so. I would bring him because we might need some puppy cuddles whenever we get done with an investigation. I mean we are in an RV," He explains as I walked into my apartment.

"Wait, can they hear me?" I ask my brother.

"No, we are stopped somewhere and the gang is eating. I didn't want anything right now," He explains as I nod my head.

"So, where exactly are you headed?" I ask him.

"The place we are going is Rockville, Indiana. We are going to Indiana State Sanatorium," He explains.

"That sounds cool. You know I love creepy and scary stuff. I mean I just finished two scary movies and one scary tv show," I smile in excitement.

"Oh, I know sis. Chelsea gave me the idea to invite you, but I told her that it's a bad idea since you were in L.A. filming a tv show," He tells me.

"Ah, okay. I mean I appreciate it. You want it to be a surprise for them," I smile.

"Well, of course. I mean I know Dak and Tanner miss you especially Dakota," Alex smirked at me. Alex knew my crush on Dakota, and it was pretty obvious growing up.

"Shut up," I blush as he giggles. 

"I know you like him. I've known since we were younger but what confirmed it was when you moved away. You spent extra time hanging out and reassuring him more than you did me, Tanner, and Chelsea," Alex explains to me.

I put my head in my hands and groan, "Ugh!"

"Sis, I'm not mad at you or him, I promise," He looks me at wide-eyed like he gave something away.

"What? He looks like you gave more information than you should," I glare at him to tell me.

"Well, let's say that Dakota announced his feelings about you to me on this trip. He has been having dreams about you, and I heard him say your name in his sleep once or twice. That's why I suggested you come on this trip. Maybe, we can get you two together finally after all of these years," He explains as I get excited. Dakota has feelings for me.

I smile really brightly as I hear the RV door open. "Hey guys, I'm on the phone with Audrey," Alex mentions.

"Omg!!! Hey girl, I miss you so much!" Chelsea squeals as she comes into the frame.

"I miss you too!" I smile back at her.

"Hey, Addie. I miss you," I hear Dakota say as I watch him get into frame. Only Dakota can call me Addie. Not even my own brother can call me that. I told everyone that Dakota can call me Addie.

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