Chapter 14: The Goodbyes

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-Audrey's POV-
-the next day-

It was about 8pm when I woke up. I put on a pair of sweatpants to cover the bottom half of myself. My flight doesn't leave until 5am. I have about 4 hours to chill and hopefully say goodbye to my friends and my brother. I put on my glasses, and I walked out of my room. Our hotel room was massive because it had five individual rooms for everyone, but it had a common room. I noticed everyone was sitting in the living room.

"What?" I questioned.

"When do you leave for the airport?" Alex asked me.

"I'm leaving at midnight. Why?" I responded.

"Well, we wanted to tell you goodbye especially me," Dakota looked at Alex. "I want to talk to you."

"Okay, what about?" I crossed my arms.

"Maybe let's talk in your room," Dakota mentioned as I walked back to my room.

I let the door open as I got back under the covers. Dakota walked in and shut the door.

"What is this about?" I looked at him.

"Look, I know we had our ups and downs, but I want to tell you everything that happened between us is real to me. I'm not Aryia, and I will never be him. I've been in love with you since the day I met you and Alex when you first started hanging out with us. I didn't know until I wanted to kiss you while we played that game at the waterpark. I hope you give me a chance someday. I would hate to lose you as more than a friend. I know the timing isn't right, but I will wait for you. I've had dreams about you...about us. I hope you enjoy Las Vegas, and tell Sam and Colby 'hey.' Do you trust me?"

I look down because my heart is breaking. He poured everything out to me. I felt tears falling down my face. He moved my chin so my eyes can meet his. His hands move to my cheeks as I felt my heart racing in this moment.

"What are you-" I started to say, but he closed the gap between us.

I froze in the kiss, but I relaxed and put my arms around his neck. I slightly pulled him closer to him. He rested one arm on my left thigh, and the other hand is resting beside my legs, on the bed. We finally pulled away to catch our breath. Our foreheads rested onto each other's, and I slightly smiled. Dakota smiled back as he moved his head back, but his hands were still where they are.

"I meant everything I said. I love you Audrey Essence Schroeder, and I mean it," Dakota told me as I smiled.

But my smiler turned into a frown.

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asked me.

"I'm just hoping I am exactly what you want and need. It'll definitely take a while for me to be in the right place for a healthy relationship. I'll be in touch when I'm ready," I kissed Dakota on the nose.

Dakota's face turned red as I giggled at him.

"Well, goodbye. I'll see you later and have fun with Sam and Colby. I know being around them, you'll definitely heal and come out of your shell," Dakota kissed me on my forehead and walked towards the door.

He shut the door, and I'm getting the clothes I'm going to wear. I picked black yoga pants, a grey tank top, and a grey hoodie. I grabbed my Birkenstocks and I also grabbed a pair of white socks. I also grabbed some underwear and a bra. I went into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. I put my hair in a clip, and I stripped down my clothes and got in. I washed body and face. I got out and dried off as I heard a knock on the door.

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