Chapter 16: The Sleepover

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-Audrey's POV-
-the next morning-

I get up to start getting ready to head home. I take a shower and wash my face and body. I did my skincare routine but I put on no makeup. I get ready in a brown athletic one-piece and put a hoodie over it. I slide on my white Birkenstocks. I fix my hair in a clip, and I add a necklace and earrings. I pack up my clothes and everything. Kris and Celina drive Sam, Colby, and me to the international airport. I zone out as my mind wanders to Dakota.

"Hey, Audrey? We are here at the Canadian airport," I shake my head from zoning out. I look up and see Colby looking at me.

"Sorry," I shrug.

We get out and hug Kris and Celina.

"Tell us about that date," Kris mentions as I nod my head.

We walk into the airport and give our luggage to baggage claim. We get our boarding passes and go through security. We sit at our gate until time for our flight. We leave at 7 am, and it's 6 am now. I sigh as I lay my head on Colby's shoulder. People always thought that Colby and I were a thing, especially at the trap house or their apartments when Aryia and I were together. It pissed him off and that's another reason why I didn't hang out with Sam and Colby unless Aryia was there. Colby lays his head on top of mine.

"I'm going to get us some coffee," Sam gets up.

"Are you going to be nervous when Dakota comes over?" Colby asks me.

"I don't know. I might, but it also depends if we are going out before or after the sleepover," I mention.

I text Dakota and ask him if we are going on our date before or after the sleepover.


We are going on our date before. The date will be at 6 and wear something nice.

Okay, Dak. I'm about to board the plane, text you later.

Okay, be safe. See you tomorrow.

Okay, see you tomorrow.
Read at 6:45 am


We board the plane, and I put in my AirPods. I play the song, "Dance the Night Away" by David Banner ft. Denim. I stare out of the window, and I start to daydream.

-time skip-

We land at the airport, and Jake picks us up. We drive a little way to my house and Sam and Colby's house. Jake drops me off at my house, and Sam and Colby walk to their house from mine. I walk in and see Kat with Maverick.

"Hey, buddy! I miss you!" I say.

Maverick comes rushing to my side and starts loving on me. My goodness, he is getting bigger and bigger. Kat hugs me and I pay her for the couple of hours that she watches him.

"Has Tara been by here?" I ask Kat.

"No, something came up, so I watched Maverick the entire time," Kat explains.

I give her a little extra for watching Maverick the entire 2 and a half days. She pets Maverick and walks out of the door. I go upstairs and to my bedroom. I pick out shorts, one of Dakota's shirts, and underwear, so I can take a shower. I walk into my bathroom and strip down naked. I'm about to step m into the shower, but my phone starts ringing. I grab my phone and it's Dakota calling me.

"Hey, Dak," I answer my phone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks me.

"Well, I am fixing to get into the shower. I need one after flying," I explain to him.

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