Chapter 5: Break Time

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⚠️Suicide mention/story!!!⚠️ read at your own risk!

-Audrey's POV-
I woke up, feeling awful. My head was pounding, and I just felt sick. I noticed that Dakota was gone which made me really sad. I sighed, knowing that everything that happened was too good to be true. I rolled over to where I was facing the wall, my back was to my bedroom door. I lay there, zoning out not knowing who was going to come in my room. My eyes closed one more time as sleep took over me again. I was definitely tired.

-4 hours later-

I felt someone shook me, and I turned over, seeing Dakota sitting on the side of my bed.

"I guess you were really tired," Dakota laughed.

"Yeah, I woke up four hours ago without you next to me so I didn't sleep well. Also, I have a major headache," I laid on my back.

"I'm sorry, and you need to take medicine, sweetheart. I wanted to get up and shower," He told me as my heart skipped a beat when he said, sweetheart.

"It's fine. I'm not too upset with you," I stuck out my tongue.

"Would you like to go out with me today?" He questions me.

"Uhm sure. Is this like a date?" I asked him.

"Only if you want it to be. I know you want to take things slow, so I didn't say it was," Dakota sat on the bed.

"I do want to take it slow, so I appreciate you not making it a date," I smiled at him as I gave him a hug.

"I'll get up and let you get ready," Dakota let go of me. He gave me a small smile and got up to walk out of my room.

He closed the door as I got up. I went to my bathroom and started the shower. I stripped down and looked at my body. I hated it. I hated myself. I don't see what Dakota sees. I don't see the person he sees. I see a girl who is ugly, has bruises/scars that haven't fully healed (emoting and physical), and has major anxiety and depression. I mean these scars are the ones that Aryia gave me when he was drunk or very angry at me for something stupid. I got in the shower and tears ran down my face. I washed my body and sunk low in the shower. I put my knees to my chest as the tears kept rolling down. I let out a loud cry and covered my mouth. I didn't want anyone to know about me crying. There was a knock at the door.

"You okay, Addie?" I heard Dakota say.

"Uhm...yeah," I called out.

"Okay, just making sure," he answered back.

I tried to get up but I slid on the bottom of the tub, making me fall and fall on my ass in the process.

"Dakota?" I called out.

"Yeah?" He was at the door.

"Can you help me up? I fell on my ass," I wiped the tears from my eyes.

The door opened, and Dakota pulled back the curtain so he can grab my hands. He pulls me up as I put my weight against him, making us stumble backward. My chest was on his and we were at eye level.

"I-I'm s-sorry about this, Dak," I stuttered, indicating I was super nervous.

"Addie, it's okay I promise. It's not the first time this happened," he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah I know but still," I responded back as I felt something grow near my legs. I backed away and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around myself as I walked out of the bathroom. I mentally slapped myself because I made him hard but also that scared me. Ariya would do that shit to me and make me give him head or a hand job. I went into my closet and picked out a green tank crop top, a brown cardigan, skinny jeans, socks, and my white high-top Converse. I put the outfit beside the shoes on in my closet. I walk out noticing Dakota on my bed.

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