Chapter 2: Indiana State Sanatorium

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-Audrey's POV-

I woke up the next morning, and I saw Dakota still laying there asleep. I admired him as I smiled at the sight. Today was the day we go to the Indiana State Sanatorium, and I was excited. Maverick started whining as I groaned. I got up, and we were parked at an RV park. I quietly let Maverick out as I gathered my toiletries and clothes to change into. I noticed that Chelsea wasn't in the RV. I think she went to the bathhouse and took a shower and got ready for the day. I let Mav back in, and he immediately jumped on the bed where Dakota was. He started attacking him with kisses. Dakota groaned as I laughed. He looked upset, but he smiled, knowing it was Maverick. I headed to the bathhouse, and I saw Chelsea coming out.

"Hey, Audrey!" She cheered.

"Hey, your brother is up. My pup woke him up," I laughed as she joined in.

"You need to wake up Tanner and Alex," I giggled as she nodded.

I headed to the bathhouse and set my clothes on the seat near the shower. I grabbed my body wash and face cleanser. I turned the water on as I got under it. The hot water stung my skin as soon as I got under it. I felt a sense of relief as I let the water make me warm. I washed my face and body. I still had my french braids in, and I let them get wet so my hair would be curly. Once I was done and dried off, I got ready in high-waisted skinny jeans, a brown sweater, and brown boots. I did my makeup naturally and add a necklace and some earrings. I headed back to the RV, and I took my hair down. I added my curly-hair products to make it stay curly. I sprayed perfume and put on my glasses. I grabbed my Apple Watch and put it on. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and sat beside Dakota since he was playing with Maverick.

"Addie, you smell amazing," He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you, Koda," I smiled back as Maverick came walking onto me.

"Hey, my lovable pup," I started to pet my puppy. Maverick lay in my lap as I leaned my head back. I got the best sleep when Dakota was beside me, but I really can't tell anyone that, well not Dakota.

"You okay, Addie?" Dak asked me.

"Yeah, I just thought I got enough sleep. I guess I didn't," I shrugged as I lifted my head. I looked at Dakota who gave me a sympathetic look. I smiled back at him as I turned my head. Tanner noticed my look and told me to come outside. I set Maverick down next to Dakota.

Can you watch him?" I asked Dakota as he nodded, smiling at me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tanner asked me. "Yeah, I realized that having Dakota next to me last night helped me a lot, but I don't want to tell him that. I mean I lied to him yesterday, explaining that Aryia didn't like how Koda and I would act toward each other. We both know that isn't the right reason why. It's because I love Dakota," I sat down on the wooden bench.

"I know. You need to tell him. He thinks you would never love him as more than a friend," Tanner explained to me as he joined next to me.

"I know, Tan. I'm just afraid to take that commitment because of Aryia. He ruined that part of me," I started crying as Tanner put his arms around me. I cried into his arms as I ruined my makeup. I guess I can fix it after because I didn't use a setting spray. Tanner lightly kissed my forehead.

-Dakota's POV-

I loved Maverick as he moved to the other side and started whining.

"I know you want mommy, Mav," I told him as I slid up the window cover so I can see what was going on.

I saw Tanner and Addie hugging, and he lightly kissed her forehead. I extremely got jealous. Tanner knows that I love Audrey so much since we were growing up. I mean is he swooping in and saving her since I'm not doing it? I need to talk to him about it. I watched as they both let go and smiled at each other. Audrey put her head on his shoulder as I noticed Tanner caught me spying. I quickly pushed the window cover down as I moved back to the couch. Maverick followed me as he lay on my lap. I tried my best not to cry. How could he do this to me?! I mean why did my own best friend betray me?! I stood up and went to the bed. Maverick followed me as I closed the privacy screen. I lay on the bed and started crying. Maverick lay near me as he started whining. I told him it was okay. I started to caress his fur as I heard Tanner and Audrey laughing. I cried silently as I continued to hear them talking and laughing.

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