Chapter 7: Cresson Sanatorium and Prison Part 2

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⚠️ WARNING⚠️ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Mentions of sexual abuse are in this chapter. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I need to take breaks. I'm going to update as soon as I can. With college starting back, it might be whenever I have time.

-Audrey's POV-

I woke up and realized that Dakota was beside me. I looked over at him. I feel awful yelling at him. That was the first time I ever felt something like that. I was scared and nervous about going back there again. I looked at him as he slept peacefully. I run my fingers through his hair as his eyes flutter open.

"Koda, I'm sorry about earlier. I was scared about what happened; how I was almost possessed. I hope you can forgive me. I mean I didn't mean to yell at you," I rambled as Dakota put his finger under my chin, making me look at him.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. I figured you were scared. That's why I joined you on the bed because I didn't want you to be alone," Dakota moved his hand to my hair and put it behind my ear.

I felt shivers went down my spine as he did that.

"Come here," He scooted closer to me.

I laid my head on his chest as I felt and heard his heartbeat. I instantly relaxed as I felt him kissing me on the forehead. I raised my head to look at him. We both looked at each other and then our lips at the same time. I closed the gap between us as he pulled my face closer, making me get on top of him. My lower half was on his lower half. I felt his hands grabbed my hips and pulled me up further, making his hands reach my ass. His hands gripped my ass making me jump. He broke off the kiss and grabbed my hips. He moved me beside him.

"What's wrong, Dak?" I asked him.

"I don't want you to react the same way as the other time we made out," Dakota turned away.

"I appreciate that Dak. I'm going to explain the sexual abuse. That's the one thing I've held near me because he took away my virginity without my permission. I'm trying to hold that part of me because I don't want anyone else to take it. That's before I realized we were getting closer, and I know we are slowly falling for one another," I explained to him. I moved beside him as he set his hand on my leg. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yes and I know you explained your feelings but I haven't. Audrey Essence Schroeder, I love you with all of my heart. I want you to be mine so badly, but I know you need to heal. I'm willing to wait until you are ready," I raised my head to look at him as Dakota put his forehead against mine.

I wanted us to be intimate right then and there but I know he's right. The more I looked into his eyes, I saw the truth unfold from his eyes. I know he wants to be intimate in this moment. I decided to do a pro/con list in my mind. I kept looking into his eyes as I ditched the list. The whole list idea was stupid anyway. I know what I want from just looking at him. I noticed the RV stop.

"Hey, we are getting food if y'all want any," I heard Tanner say.

"Yeah, just bring us back something. We both don't feel like getting up," I told Tanner as I kept looking at Dakota.

"Alrighty, it might not be right away. We might get yours to go. Is that okay?" Tanner asked.

"Yes it is," I responded. I heard the RV door shut as Dakota looked confused.

"We feel fine. Why did you do that?" Dakota said to me puzzled.

"Because I decided something that might alter whatever we have. I know I need to heal but right now. You don't know how badly I want you right now," I looked at him as I moved my head from his.

His eyes went wide as he realized what I had said. He searched for any signs of me being truthful.

"Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do something you're uncomfortable with. Are you sure you want to do it in the RV? We could wait and do it somewhere romantic?" Dakota rambled as I put my finger on his lips, telling him to be quiet.

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