Chapter 17: Bored and Hanging Out

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-Audrey's POV-
-the next morning-

I wake up and turn over. I see Dakota lying there still asleep. I smile at the previous night and kiss him on the cheek. He stirs and his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning, beautiful," He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

"Good morning, Dak," I give him a small peck on the lips.

I lay my head on his chest and he starts to scratch my back.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

I shrug, not knowing what to do. We already went on a date and did some sexual things. I don't know what else we could do. I realize I haven't seen Alex or Tanner since our trips.

"We could see my brother and Tanner. I haven't seen them in a while," I tell him.

"Sure, we can go see the guys," Dakota smiles.

I get up and head to the bathroom. I shower and grab some shorts, a black crop top, a bra, and some underwear. I put my hair in a clip. Dakota looks at me weirdly as I come out with the water running.

"Are you going to join me or not?" I smirk.

"Are you sure? You haven't seen me naked," Dakota questions.

"I mean it doesn't matter to me. I saw you naked," I let out a giggle.

"What are you talking about?" Dakota stops in the middle of his tracks.

"So, on one road trip, I have a picture of you naked and I kept it in my hidden photo album on my phone," I snicker.

"Let me see," Dakota cocks his eyebrow.

I grab my phone and look through the hidden photo album. I finally find the photo and giggle because I can see everything. I hand him my phone and his eyes widen.

"I can't believe you caught this," His face turns red.

"So, do you want to join me or not?" I ask him again.

"Of course, I will join you now,"  Dakota states.

We walk into the bathroom and I strip down. I get in the shower, and Dakota follows me. I watch him strip down and get into the shower with me. I look in his eyes and my eyes ask for permission to look down. Dakota nods as I slowly look down. I see his toned chest, and I go further to see something I have never seen before. He's seen me naked before but I never seen him naked. Dakota grabs me by the waist and kisses me passionately. I feel something get harder as we kiss. Dakota pulls away and blushes. I giggle as we take our shower.

-time skip-

I get out first because I don't have to wash my hair. I lotion my body since I did shave my legs. I put on my underwear and pasties. I don't feel like showing my bra straps to my brother and Tanner. I grab shorts, a black crop tank top, and one of my colorful pairs of Chacos. I put deodorant and spray perfume. I grab my shorts and tank top and put them on. I did my skincare routine. I add mascara to my eyelashes and brow gel to my eyebrows. I add some lip gloss to my lips. I put on my glasses and braid my hair. Dakota gets out and has a towel around his waist.

"Thanks for helping me shower. I wash your body for you, but you can't wash mine. That doesn't make sense," Dakota frowns.

"Well, I haven't performed any oral sex on you goofy. I mean Aryia forced me to do that to him, and I didn't like it. So, that's why I get uncomfortable sometimes," I explain.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to push you in any way," Dakota apologizes.

"It's okay, Dak," I smile.

I put Maverick in his crate, so he won't go anywhere while we are gone. Dakota gets ready in shorts, a T-shirt, and shoes. He fixes his hair and I text Alex, saying that Dakota and I are heading over to their house to hang out. Dakota drives my car to his house he shares with my brother and Tanner. We pull up and Alex and Tanner greets us outside. We walk inside and I get a tour of this house. After the tour's done, we sit down in the living room. 

"How have you been?" Tanner asks me.

"I've been feeling a lot better mentally. I went with Sam and Colby to Canada to do an investigation of Celina's house and Kris was there. I met Celina and Kris at the Crescent Hotel when I did an investigation with them," I explain.

"That's good, sis. Are you going with us to the Haunted House Tour?" My brother asks me.

I shrug, not knowing a definite answer at the moment.

"We are going to the Conjuring House, and Sam and Colby captured something crazy there. Have you seen it?" Tanner asks me.

"No, I've never seen any footage of that. I've only seen the first two Conjuring videos," I explain to them.

"Lemme call them and ask them to bring that footage here so you can see it. I think you weren't feeling up to it when they showed it," Dakota says.

-time skip-

Sam and Colby arrive at their house. 

"Sorry for not showing you this evidence," Sam apologizes.

"No, it's not your fault. It's mine; I should have come here and seen it," I explain to them.

Sam grabs his laptop and the SD card. He puts it into the computer and pulls up the files. He lets me watch it for the first couple of minutes of it as my eyes widen.

"Holy shit! Is that even possible?!" I look at them.

They laugh at my reaction as I join them. Sam takes away his computer and puts it in his bag. Dakota's sitting on my right side, so I take off my shoes and get comfortable by snuggling up to him. I see that Sam, Colby, Alex, and Tanner watch me do it. 

"Are you two together?" Alex asks us. 

I look at Dakota and he looks back at me. 

"It's whatever you want to do. It's your decision, Addie," Dakota whispers into my ear. 

"Yes, Al, we are together. Dakota spent the night and we cleared some things during that time," I explain to my brother. 

"Yay, I am so happy for you two!" Alex exclaims. 

"It's about damn time, you two got together. We have been waiting on this since you were teenagers," Tanner smiles. 

"I am glad you're happy Audrey. You deserve it after dealing with your ex a couple of years ago," Colby hugs me. 

"Well, if it weren't for you two saving my life, I wouldn't have this chance to be with him. I know my younger self would have died if she found out this," I laugh. 

"I think my younger self would react the same way, but I am glad that you two saved her life because I don't know what I would do without her," Dakota laughs. 

I blush as Dakota kisses my cheek. 

-time skip-

It's getting late, and Dakota and I have been here for a couple of hours. 

"We better head out. We need to Maverick out," I tell my brother and Tanner. 

I hug each of them and move out of the way for Dakota to do the handshake with the guys. We say goodbye to them, and we walk out of the house. We get into my car and drive off. 

"I think we had a blast today," I mention. 

"Oh yeah, I know I had fun with you," Dakota smiles. 

"I also can't believe we are official. We need to call your sister and let her know," I poke his arm. 

"Yes, we will tomorrow, sweetheart. I am so ready to get home and get comfortable," He lays his hand on my leg. 

We arrive at my house and get out. We go upstairs and let Maverick out. 

"I'll take him out. You get comfortable, babe," Dakota tells me. 

I go into the bathroom and take my makeup off. I wash my face and do my skincare routine. I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash. I take off my clothes and grab one of Dakota's shirts. I slip that on, and I decide against wearing pants. Dakota comes back up and sees me. 

"You look so beautiful," Dakota kisses me on the cheek. 

Dakota takes off his clothes, and he's in his underwear. He brushes his teeth and gets into the bed. Maverick is lying at the end of the bed. We both get comfortable and go to sleep. I'm so happy that we are together, but I'm also scared of what every fan of Project Fear will think. 

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