Chapter 3: Loftus Hall

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-Audrey's POV-
I woke up, and I realized that it was dark. I checked the time, and it was 4 am on the next day. I turned over and saw that Dakota was gone. I got up and put my glasses on. Our hotel room was the suite where there was a living room as well as a bedroom and a kitchenette. I turned the lamp on, and I walked into the living room. Maverick was on the bed still. I guess he doesn't want to get up. Dakota was on the couch, his back was facing me. He was on his laptop, it looks like he was going through some photos, photos of me.

"Man, I wish she would like me back!" He whisper yelled.

I blushed as I quietly snuck behind him.

"Boo!" I screamed out as he jumped, and I started laughing.

"That's not funny Addie," He pouted as I continued to laugh. "You're mean."

I sat on the loveseat, and I grabbed the tv remote. I turned the tv on and played Friends. I put my hair in a bun. I noticed that Dakota got up to put his laptop up, and I quickly got up to sit on the couch. He came back and shook his head. Maverick was following behind him. I guess he was ready to get up now.

"This is the only downfall about doing stuff like this. We don't sleep for hours but when we do, we are up much later. It just messes our sleep schedule big time," Dakota sat down on the couch as Maverick got up with us.

"Yeah, I had my sleep schedule down when I was in Los Angeles but that changed once I came here," I laughed as he pouted.

"I'm sorry," he shrugged as I lay in his lap.

"It's fine. This is worth it, not gonna lie," I smiled at the fact I'm laying his lap. We did this another time when we were younger. It was when I moved to L.A. to start my acting career. I got the call in June of 2015. It was August 2015 when I moved to Los Angeles, California. I had gotten an audition to be in a tv show on Netflix. I was supposed to be a guest star for only two episodes, but I became a reoccurring character before I died in the finale of the first season.
I finally got the call that I was going to be on a tv show on Netflix. I need to make the announcement soon, so I called Tanner, Dakota, and Chelsea to the house. Alex was already in my room. I was in the bathroom, showering because I had thrown up. I always throw up when I'm nervous. Alex heard the doorbell ring I heard him yell, "Audrey, the guys are here!" I quickly got out and got dressed in Nike shorts and one of Dakota's sweatshirts. I didn't put on a bra as I walked out of the bathroom. I saw they were already in my room.

"Why did you call us?" Chelsea asked me.

"So you know I told you guys that I got an audition, and I sent the video in?" I told myself as they looked up and nodded.

"Yeah? Why?" Dakota looked at me with sadness but hope in his eyes.

"Well, I got the call this morning, and I got the part!" I screamed as I jumped around.

They all jumped around as Dakota grabbed me and spun me around.

"I'm so happy for you!" Dakota smiled as we looked at each other.

"I'm so happy for you sis!" Alex smiled.

I started to frown as Dakota saw this.

"What's the matter?" Dakota's face dropped.

"I have to leave to go to Los Angeles in August," I explained as I saw their faces.

They were all frowning as I sat on my bed.

"Man, that sucks. I'm going to miss my sister," Alex hugged me as he sat down.

"It's okay. I'm going to visit as much as I can. I mean you guys said to never give up on my dreams," I explained.

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