Model photo shoot

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Noah: hey Laurel! You ready for later?

Laurel: um.. yea...

I was looking at the stuff of information and I'm still planning on telling Noah but I just how to figure out how to tell him and I was suppose to tell Addison after... this is nerve-wracking... anyways right now I'm setting up the camera and stuff so I don't have to later... at least I have time for the nervousness to settle down.

Noah: what are you doing princess?

Laurel: looking at the documents and figuring out what I found out in the past couple days... it's kinda shocking to find out but I don't know what else I'll find out.

Noah: I'm impressed that you found out about all of this by yourself, good job Laurel!

Laurel: thanks!

Noah: well I'm going to lay my outfits ready for later in my room, call me if you need anything I'm just in my room

Laurel: alright!

I decided to make some tiktoks for a bit and I got 300 followers already! it doesn't seem a lot for other people but it is for me.. I came up with a great idea! since Noah's birthday is in a month, I figured I secretly learn how to play soccer and see what Noah would think. I think he would be proud... but who would I learn it from?

Laurel: *walks in Noah's room* how many pictures is gonna be taken for the magazine-okay...never mind... *whispers to herself* Wrong timing Laurel...

Noah: did you call me Laurel?

Laural: yea, but I'll figure it out later... and please put a frickin shirt on please...

Noah: I'm looking for it! Get the camera ready

Laurel: kay...

Noah: okay I'm ready, here's the first outfit! Well... how does it look?

I just stood on the stool just staring at him starstruck... I knew something like this would happen! Why on earth did I say yes to this?! It's not like he's gonna pay me anyways for this... the company is paying him instead... this might take longer than it needs to be.. Now snap out of Laurel! He's probably concerned for you!

Noah: *snaps* uh... I think we should get started..

Laurel: huh? Oh that's right!

We started and he actually knew how he wanted to stand and stuff so I really didn't have tell him much... this is fun! We took some more with the same outfit and then he changed in a another one...

Noah: okay I'm ready...

Laurel: okay

I took some pictures and see at the end which one I like best, I probably not start the covers until tomorrow because I want to focus on the important stuff first...

Noah: alright! I think we're done now!

Laurel: really?

Noah: mhm!

Laurel: okay, I'll put the photo stuff away

Noah: I'll do it just leave it

Laurel: okay!

I started to edit the pictures I took and I like the results of these! I did whathe I think that would catch attention to the others and went from there. Wow I actually like the quality of this! A few hours later I showed Noah and he was impressed by it! I usually don't edit like this but as long as he's happy with the covers I guess..

Laurel: Noah! I'm finished!

Noah: coming. Wow it takes you one day to finish these? You must be really good then, can I see the results?

Laurel: okay!

I turned the laptop over and he was really happy! I think I might be able to do more of these at some point!!

Noah: woah! I really like this! I knew you'd be the perfect one! Thanks!

Laurel: your welcome!

Noah: send it to me so I can email it to the company!

Laurel: alright... sent...

Noah: thanks! Maybe you can do something like this with me sometime!

Laurel: yea maybe! But does that mean I have to edit it again?

Noah: it would be someone else

Laurel: ohh okay.

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