You wanna what now!?

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*a few months later*

Today I haven't seen dad all day, ever since i woke up this morning he wasn't here in the house and it was just me and the other guys that's just here, all we did was play a couple rounds of go fish and a couple rounds of uno. We all think dad is up to something because he's never been out for this long, he's been gone for almost half the day already what crazy Stunt is he doing now!?

"Hey guys" *Noah walks in the house*

"Dad! *laurel runs and hugs him* where were you all morning?"

"I went shopping today which I wanna talk to you about"

*Markell teases Laurel* "ooh your in trouble girl!"

*Laurel looks at Noah* "Wait I am!?!?

*Noah laughs* no! Of course not, I just wanna tell you something about later, come in the kitchen"

"Okay if you say so *starts following Noah in the kitchen*

"You should sit Down for this"

Okay when dad said that, I knew right off the bat that this was either bad news or he's gonna ask for my opinion on something that I won't like or get my opinion on something random...

"Look, before I tell you, I know you won't like this but your gonna have to agree on this... alright?"

"Um Okay..."

"So remember when I broke up with Addison and that when I told you way back then that I was gonna date Dixie and that you were nervous that she was gonna do the same thing that Addison did?"


"Well now that you know that me and Dixie were dating for a few months.. I figured to tell you that I'm planning to propose to dixie!! How amazing is that!?"

"You're Gonna propose!?"


"What happens if she does the same that Addison did though..."

"She won't, plus she's your mom! I don't think she'd do whatever Addison did!"

Okay well I wasn't really expecting this... I guess dad did seemed serious about this but also excited, I'm excited too but its taking awhile for my excitement to come, I mean I'm just scared that dixie might do the same to dad... I mean dixie seemed like she wouldn't leave dad... but it just seems hard for me to get used to this... at least I would have a mom who would actually care for me too...

"When are you proposing?"

"In a few hours"

"Woah! What!? Really!?"

"Yeah duh, why did you think I was out all day!?"



That's when I thought to myself that for once there's gonna be a happily ever after!! There's hopefully gonna be no more breakups and nobody getting hurt!! I can't wait to see dixie in a wedding dress!! She's gonna look so pretty!! And I get to see my aunts and my grandparents!! This is gonna be so much fun!! I'm really excited!!

"So? What do you think?"

"It's a great idea dad!! Does the others know?"

"They already knew, they just had to keep you busy! Now come!! Were gonna go to a park and you can help me decorate the thingy"

"What thingy?"

"The one with the white thing that you can stand underneath or sit if you added benches"

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