TikTok Famous!?

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This morning I woke up with my phone blowing up a bunch of times, this doesn't usually happens a lot to my phone but I looked at my phone and found out I got the blue checkmark!!! Yay!!! That means your verified and that your famous!! I ran downstairs and showed dad my tiktok account

Good morning princess, what's that huge smile on your face?

I got the Blue Checkmark!!!!

Really!? Can I see?

I showed dad my phone and he opened tiktok and was surprised by my inbox!! He was really happy for me though!!

Oh my god congratulations!!

Thanks!! Let's do a tiktok!!


*they do the tiktok*

Okay breakfast time!!

Thank you!

Your welcome!

We ate breakfast and my phone kept blowing up and my phone kept dinging every other minuet and it was starting to get annoying for a little bit

I don't even know if I can last a whole school day with my phone like this Noah

Just keep your phone on silent or just turn it off completely


Go get changed for school



Remember, if Alexa is being mean, let Blake know alright? I saved his number on your phone

Okay, I'll figure out a way to tell him

Alright! Have a great day at school sweetie

Okay bye dad! *Laurel runs up to her friends*

Hey Alexis, Ava, Neveah, Paige, Leah, Eve and Natalie!

Neveah: oh hi Ms tiktok famous! *laughs*

Alexis: congratulations!

All the other girls: congratulations!!

Eve: I say we all celebrate this at lunch!

thanks girls!! You guys are the best!

Paige: You know what? Let's be your bodyguards!

Alexis: yes that's so much fun!!

C'mon, you don't need to do that

Eve: we want to

Paige: yeah please!!


All the girls: yes!!!

We went to class and for some weird reason this felt weird, I don't know why but it does for some reason, maybe because I'm not used to it yet... but their my friends so they made it less weird.

Laurel's class: congratulations Laurel!!

Thank you guys!!

Can we follow you? What's your tiktok?

My tiktok is *writes it down* Laurel_Beck

*everybody quickly follows her* Done! This is so cool!

Vanessa: this is so cool!! We have someone famous in our clsss!!

*the class starts cheering*

Mrs. Kelsey: woah class settle down! What's going on?

Alexis: Laurel is famous!!!

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