Back Home... again...

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It's been a few weeks since I've been with Tatum and Tatum told me that she thinks I'm feel better enough to go home so I did, she asked me if I needed Noah to come pick me up but I told her that it's best I go back myself... I made it back though safely but I wasn't ready to deal with Noah again...

Noah: oh Laurel! Your okay!

Laurel: mhm, I told you already! I'll just put these back in my room! Plus I don't think the hole isn't that bad... right.?

Noah: oh uh

Laurel: I'm going in...

Noah: yea I don't think you shou-

Laurel: *walks into her room* AHHH! How hard did you punch man?!

Noah: a bit too hard...

Laurel: why would you do that!? Now what are you gonna do about it?

Blake Ha Ha Noah is in trouble!

Noah: oh shut up!

Laurel: so what am I suppose to do with a hole in the wall?

Noah: oh nothing

Laurel: what do you mean oh nothing??

Noah: because I wanna take you somewhere...

Laurel: oh uh okay

We went in the car and I'm trying to figure out where were going but Noah wouldn't tell me still! I keep asking him and his answer would be you'll see Or its a surprise.

Laurel: where are we going? It better not be anywhere boring

Noah: it won't be! Just trust me!

Laurel: I don't know...

Noah: were almost there

Laurel: okay...

Noah: okay get out the car and turn around facing the door

Laurel: uh.. okay...

I got out the car and Noah puts on a blindfold over my eyes and I don't even know where we are, all I see is pink right now... because of the blindfold... he lead me inside and then took off the blindfold after I told him I was ready.

Noah: okay are you ready?

Laurel: mhm!

Noah: okay open!

I open my eyes and I see a bunch of color samples!! Wait, am I getting my room repainted? Eek!!

Noah: Surprise! *opens the blindfold* Your gonna get your room painted!

Laurel: oh my gosh really?

Noah: yeah and this is my way of saying sorry of our huge argument and for the hole in the wall...

Laurel: *hugs Noah* thank you thank you Thank youuu!! It's okay! Your the best dad ever!!

Noah: aw thanks! By the way your hurting my ribs...

Laurel: oh well haha

Noah: so what color do you want your room to be painted?

Laurel: I already had an idea!

Noah: well what's your idea?

Laurel: I want my bedroom wall to be bright pink and purple with hearts and roses around the walls! I want red roses on the pink and purple wall!

Noah: that's gonna be a lot of hard work... I'm gonna need a few people to help me..

Laurel: can I help paint?

Noah: sure!

Laurel: but where am I suppose to sleep?

Noah: with me!

Laurel: with you as in on the floor right?

Noah: I was thinking in bed... but if your comfor-

Laurel: No! It's fine, I'll sleep beside you... I won't mind..

Noah okay! So how many colors are you gonna pick?

Laurel: hm... I'm not sure... maybe pink, purple, torquoise, red?

Noah: it's up to you!

Laurel: ooh and gold!

Noah: I think gold will work with pink and the other colors...

Laurel: okay and I want you to suprise me with the rest!

Noah: sounds good!

We ended up getting the color samples and paint stuff and went back home, I told the others the plan and they already knew and so since we were starting tomorrow, we moved all my stuff in the guest room and started taping stuff that's not going to be painted like the light switch. Noah wants to paint the boarders too! He says he has a plan for it and what he's gonna do with it. I taped the stuff while Noah moved the stuff and we finished for tomorrow! I am excited! I can be there for the wall but not the boarder though! But I get to paint a wall though!!! I'm excited for tomorrow!!

Noah: okay c'mon, time to go to bed! Tomorrow's gonna be a long day!

Laurel: okay! Goodnight Noah!

Noah: hey, you know if you feel comfortable, you can call me Dad... If you want, you don't have too

Laurel: ...okay... goodnight!

Noah: *kisses Laurel on the head* Sweet Dreams Princess!

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