5 Thomas

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The loud blaring newbie alarm went off. I ran to the Box with the rest of the Gladers. Newt and Gally opened the large metal doors. Inside was a boy sitting in the corner, he looked to be about 16 years old.
There was a loud clang when Gally jumped down into the metal Box hauling the shaking boy out.

The rest of the boys started talking and shouting, not in the kindest tones but they didn't mean harm. I could clearly see the boy was scared, but he quickly got to his feet then bolted, at first it was harmless and the Gladers laughed. But then I noticed how close he was getting to the Maze doors, the others Gladers kept laughing.
Quickly I shove my way through the group, and as soon as I am out, I break out running after him.
The boy was fast, faster than most but I was faster even with his head start I was quickly able to catch up to him. Just as I was about to grab him, he face planted by tripping over his own feet. I slow to a stop beside him as the others start clapping.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning out to be Alby.

    "I'll take it from here." He says. I give him a smile and walk off going over to Newt.


I walk up to Newt kissing his cheek.

     "What do you think of the new Greenie, love?" Newt asked.

    "Fast," I laugh. "That boy has a chance of being a Runner."

    "So did I, until he face planted." Newt smiled.


I walk out of mine and Newt's hut. My eyes land on the Greenie and Chuck standing in front of the doors. I walk over to the boy's as the Greenie walked closer to the Maze doors. I'm only a couple feet away when I see Gally running up and slamming the Greenie on the ground, the Greenie kicks at Gally's legs then stood up. I run the last couple feet over to them. I hear the Gladers behind me running towards them.
"Gally!" I yell.

    "What the hell is wrong with you guys!" The Greenie shouts.

    "Just calm down alright." I hear Newt say behind me.

    "Why won't you tell me what's out there?" Asks the Greenie.

    "We're just trying to protect you." Alby says walking forward.

    "You guys can't just keep me here!" The Greenie yells.

    "We can't let you leave." Alby calmly responded.

    "Why not!" The Greenie yelled.

But as if on cue the Maze doors start to shut, as everyone stops talking, the Greenie watches in amazement as the doors rumble slowly coming to an close.

    "Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." Gally told the Greenie.

     "Next time, try to be less aggressive." I tell Gally as I walk past him.


The night was cool and clear, like usual.

    "Light 'em up!" Alby yelled as the bonfire was lit.

    "Gladers! Gladers! Gladers!" The boy chanted.

Like every bonfire, it was amazing. Some boys were playing music, beating drums. Drinks were passed around. The drinks in question took a little bit of getting used to but they're good. It's Gally's recipe, 'trade secret' never tells anybody.
I spent the first half dancing around the fire, smiling and laughing. The flames burned high.
When I stop dancing I look around finally spotting Newt, sitting down with the Greenie backs towards the fire resting against a log. I picked up my drink and walked over.

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