7 Not Back Yet

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    "All right, but why would Alby go in the Maze? I mean, he's not a— He's not a Runner?" Thomas asked as he and Chuck sat on a log.
Newt and I were chopping down the stump of a dead tree.

    "Things are different now. Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown. Look are you gonna help?" Newt asked.

    "So he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?" Thomas asked confused and annoyed.

     "Alby knows what he's doing. All right?" Newt told Thomas.

    "He knows better than any of us." I say.

    "What does that mean?" Thomas asked.

    "All right, it's like you've heard, yeah? Every month, the Box sends up a new arrival." Newt explained. "But someone had to be first, right? Someone had to spend a whole month in the Glade alone. And that was Alby." Newt went back to chopping.

    "I mean, it can't have been easy. But when those other boys started coming up, one after the other, he saw the truth. And learned that the most important thing is that we all have each other," I say. Newt knew I was a First and Alby was a second, but we usually just said Alby was first if anyone questioned what he could do. Alby was the one who created order who started the piece who made all this possible.

    "Because we're all in this together." Newt said.

    Thomas looked at Chuck and Chuck looked at Thomas. Newton, I went back to hacking away the stump. Thomas got up, picking up a machete to help and joined us.

    "Yeah." Newt smiled. "There you go, Greenie."

    "Hey, (Y/n)?" Jeff came running over.

     "What's up?" I ask.

      "Winston, he cut himself." Jeff said a little out of breath. "...He slipped with the knife, he has a pretty big gash on his arm."

     "Again? I swear with these shucking boy's are going get themselves killed." I groan. "They need to be careful."

     "Have fun." Newt smiled and waved as I ran off.


    "What's the story this time?" I asked Winston as a clean out his wound on his arm.

     "The boys were pushing pushing around and I slipped with a knife." Winston admitted.

     "You all have to be more careful, I tell you this every time because you never listen. The next time it's going to be worse and you won't be going off with a simple bandage." I explain as I walk to grab a bandage. Jeff and Clint were dealing with two other boys.

"We might have to amputate." Clint told the boy he was working on. The boy had a cut on his arm nothing severe but the boy was new to being a Slicer and hadn't been to the Med-hut yet.

"Don't worry, he always wants to amputate." I tell the boy who looked a few shades paler fearing he could lose his arm. "You'll be all right as long as it doesn't get infected, then it might get amputated." I smile as I walk back to Winston.


As I walk out of the hut and see a crowd standing around the Maze doors, I run forward and push my way through the crowd before I'm standing beside Newt and Thomas.

    "What's going on?" I turn to Newt.

    "They're not back yet."

At that moment I understand stand, Minho and Alby they went out to retrace Ben's steps, I said goodbye to them in the morning.

      "Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asked.
Interlock my fingers with Newts giving his hand a squeeze, we were both worry about them, they should've been back long ago.

    "That's against the rules." Gabby said. "Either they make it back or they don't."

   "Can't risk losing anyone else." Newt told Thomas.

The wind howled as the doors started to close.

    "Oh, no." Chuck mumbled.
I spotted some movement.

    "There!" Yelled Thomas. It was them, Minho and Alby slowly we came around the corner.

"Wait, no, somethings wrong." Newt realizes his voice filled with worry.

Minho groans as I see him dragging Alby's unconscious body. The Gladers began to cheer cheer Minho on, to hurry

     "Come on, Minho, you can do it!" Chuck yelled.

    "Come on!" Everyone yelled.

     "Minho! Hurry!" I shout.

    "Minho, you gotta leave him!" Gally yelled as Minho struggled to drag Alby.

     "They're not gonna make it." Newt realized.
The shouts from the other boys, quiet down as I  watch Minho desperately dragging Alby's body towards the doors. I couldn't lose them both, I couldn't survive without Newt but I couldn't lose both Minho and Alby at the same time. They were like my brothers, we looked after each other. In the start of this it was us. Me, Alby, Minho and Newt. I couldn't let them die. I couldn't let them die without doing anything to stop it.

I feel Newt's hand on my arm as the doors are a minute away from fully shutting.

     "(Y/n) no!" Newt begs knowing what I was thinking but I made up my mind.

Quickly I break free from Newts grip and run for the Maze I feel Newt trying to grab me but fails I hear Thomas behind me. I feel the wall pressing against my hands, as I tumble down on the other side. Sitting up and catching my breath I see Minho looking completely exhausted sweat dripping down.

     "Good job. You just killed yourselves!" Minho panted.

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