13 Grievers

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Gally, Newt, I, Thomas, Minho and Frypan all followed her inside the Med-hut.

    "Has he said anything?" I asked.

     "No." Teresa answered.

Alby was sitting motionless with his legs over the side of the bed, and his back to the door.

     "Alby?" Newt sat down on the bed beside him. "Alby, you all right?"
I stood beside Newt and all Alby did was blink his watery eyes.
Thomas walked up kneeling in front of Alby.

    "Hey, Alby. Alby, we might have just found a way out of the Maze." Thomas told him.

     "Alby, we might actually get out of here. I'll be will be free." I tell him with a smile.

Alby shook his head. "We can't. We can't leave. They won't let us."

     "What are you talking about?" I asked.  

      "I remember."

      "What do you remember?" Thomas asked Alby.

      "You." He turned his head to look directly at Thomas. "You were always their favourite, Thomas. Always. And then they hated (Y/n) after something."

We heard a commotion coming from outside as Alby spoke.

"Why did you do this, Thomas? Why did you come here?" A single tear rolled down Alby's cheek.

The boys outside sounded more panicked. Somethings wrong.

The sun had almost set torches were lit around as normal. The boys were running around panicking.

"Hey, Winston, what's going on?" I ask running up to the boy.

"The North doors, they aren't closing." Winston said before running off.
I look forward to see Gladers holding torches running towards the open door. It was getting dark. The door should've shut hours ago.
I look at Newt before we all run towards the doors.
We all stayed silently watching for a moment.
There was a loud rumbling from behind us return to see the South doors open. There was another loud noise then the West doors, and last to the East, all opened. I squeeze Newt's hand as we look around.

"Chuck, I want you to go to the Council Hall. Start barricading the doors, boarding up the windows." I instruct the boy.

"Mm-hm, okay." Chuck nodded and quickly ran off.

"Winston, you go with him." Newt said.

"Got it." Winston agreed and ran after Chuck.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest, go hide. Now." Gally ordered.

"Minho, grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at Council Hall." Thomas said.

"Let's go." Minho ran with Frypan, me, Newt and a couple other boys.

But we didn't get for when we heard boys yelling from the East doors.


"GRIEVERS!" The boys screamed.

We look to see a group of Gladers running out from the woods. But I turned to look behind when I heard the growl Griever from the door that was right behind us.
Grievers begin to come around the corners.


I turned back and continued running towards the weapons locker.

"Come on, go, go, go!" Minho yelled.

Newt and I ran, heading for the forest I made sure to keep a close eye on Newt and keep pace with him not him keep pace with me.
It was now completely dark.

The screams of boys filled the air paired with the screeching and growling of Grievers.
I look at Newt. We're are both terrified.

"Don't stop!" I yell.

It was panic, boys were running everywhere.

A boy screamed return around seeing a Griever.

I pull out my knife.
Before we could do anything, there was a scream close to us we turn to see a boy being dragged off.
Boys were running everywhere.

"Everybody run, run, run! Come on! Go, go, go!" Minho yelled.

A Griever ran straight through a hut block our way to the weapons locker. It roars extending its tail.
I spotted a jar that we used as lamp. Quickly, I picked it up, throwing it at the Griever. The jar broke, and the Griever burst into flames.

"All right, everybody, go, go, go!" Newt yelled.

We rushed inside grabbing every weapon we could.

"Let's go!" Minho yelled as we left the hut.

We all turned and ran in the direction of the Council Hall.
I kept beside Newt, making sure he wouldn't fall behind as we ran.

"Don't look back, just run." I tell him.
It was stupid for us to not just go for the Council Hall in the first place. Newt has his limp, but we both couldn't just hide.

We see a Griever standing in front a group. A group that included Thomas, Teresa, Jeff and Alby.

Minho was the first to throw a spear landing in the Griever. Frypan and another Newt, threw spears at it. The Griever shrieked in pain.

"Over here. Let's go! Come on!" Minho yelled.

We got to Thomases group as the Griever was shaking, the spears off.
Newt and I were trailing a bit behind the others.

"Newt!" I yell as he trips I run over to him.
A Griever was just about to grab him but I push myself in front. I was thrown onto the Grievers back barely missing the many sharp things poking out if it's mushy skin. I don't know what was running through my mind, but I reached my hand inside of it. It was disgusting, but it was still going after Newt, even though I was on top of it. I squeezed my eyes shut as I reach deep inside the mushy flesh before I felt something hard. I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled. Yanking it out, the moment it was out the Griever fell limp not making another move, it was dead.
I jump off and run to Newt who was now standing up holding his Machete, we were both in complete shock at what happened.
To be fair I didn't even know what I did. Newt also knew there was no time to question what just happened. I grabbed his hand and we both run.
We make it to Council Hall. Thomas, Teresa, Jeff, Alby, Minho and Frypan had made it inside, we were the last.

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