28 My Nose

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We landed, spray paint decorated the walls. Brenda let us down a tunnel.
I hated this place. When we stepped out of the tunnel we reached a hall, completely dark on either side. Even if you shine a flashlights, it didn't reach the end.

    "I think it's this way." Brenda started walking.

    "You think?" Thomas asked as we followed her.

The ground was wet. Every footstep echoed in the long silence. Every second stretched on into hours and I have a strong feeling of being watched.

    "Do people live down here?" Thomas asked.

    "The Solar Storms forced people underground. Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels." Brenda told us.

    "So, what about Jorge? Is he your Father?" Thomas wondered.

    "Close enough. The truth is, I don't really know what he is. He's just always been there. And I've always done what he's asked me to do, no matter how stupid." Brenda answered.

    "So you don't think the Right Arm is real?" Thomas wondered.
There was a screeching behind us. We turned around, but there was nothing.

    "I think... Hope is a dangerous thing." Brenda spoke. "Hope has killed more of my friends than the Flare and the Scorch combined. Just thought Jorge was smarter than that."

I didn't want them to talk, I am scared that the Cranks will here them but I didn't want them to stop either because the talking helps distract me from the silence.

We came to a stop when the tunnel split into three different directions.

    "Damn." Brenda said as we stepped out.

    "Hey, I think it might be this way." I say, when I walk down one of the tunnels, seeing a faint light at the end of it.
But when I turned around I didn't see Thomas or Brenda.

    "Tom? Brenda?" I called quietly in my pulse speeding up. "Tom? Brenda?"

    "We're over here. Look at this." I heard Brenda's voice.

    "What is it?" Thomas asked as we looked at a weird plant that clung to the wall. Brenda followed it, but I had a terrible feeling about it. We walk deeper into the dark.

    "Have you seen my nose?" A raspy cold voice asked from behind.
I froze chills crawling up my spine.
We turn around to see a figure standing at the edge of the flashlight range.
It looked like a man but something wasn't right, he was leaning on the right leg his left leg was jiggling slightly and his left arm was twitching. His clothes were filthy and ripped hanging from his body. Something soaked the knees of his pants, I didn't want to know what it was though.
But what my eyes were draw to was his face. The hair was ripped from the scalp leaving bloody scabs. His sink was pail. His face was decorated with many scars and sores. Black veins travel across his whole body. One eye was gone the other was wild and black, the man also had no nose.
His lips were drawn back in a snarl. His one good eye glared looking over the three of us.
The man took a step toward us waving his only good arm to keep his balance.

"Rose took my noes, I suppose." He spoke in his cold tone. "It really blows. My nose." He laughed and choked halfway through. But the laugh echoed through the tunnel filling me with fear. My stomach tightened. I want Newt to be with me, I needed him but at the same time I was thankful he wasn't so he didn't have to see this.

"Yeah, that's some funny stuff." Brenda said.
Before I could proses it, Brenda grabbed a can from her bag. She brought her arm back and tossed it.
It crashed right into the Cranks face.
It let out a Shriek. I wanted to turn and run far far away but at the same time my body froze to scared to make any movement.
Three other Cranks appeared behind this one than more all dragging themselves out of the darkness attracted by the light. All of the just a hideous, all just as gone. All these Cranks had something in common, they were all missing noses.

"That didn't hurt so bad." The Crank took a couple steps forward. "You have a pretty nose. I really want a nose again." He stops and snarled. He liked his lips, his tongue was black matching his lips. "And so do my friends."

We didn't say anything, we didn't need to. Brenda threw another can at the Cranks. I turn and run, all of us do.
The Cranks let out loud cries and screams as the chased after us.
The flash light beams bouncing off the walls as we sprinted.

Brenda led us down many corners hoping to lose the Cranks but the screams didn't leave.
Brenda flicked off her flashlight, Thomas and I did the same.

"Follow me, in this room." Brenda slowed down. "There's a hiding spot." Thomas grabbed my hand, Brenda must had his. I was pulled into the pitch black room.

"There's an old table here." She told us. My hand brushed over the hard smooth surface.
I was then pulled down to the floor.

"Watch your heads. We're gonna crawl in." Brenda whispered.
I crawled in the a space in the wall first it was about two feet off the ground.
The space was long and narrow, I had to lay on my side with my back on the wall, Brenda was next then Thomas. Brenda's back pressed against me.

At first there was silence, a long deep silence but it was soon broken by the sound of the Cranks approaching. I took shallow breaths not wanting to stop altogether to avoid giving our spot up with a gaps but I was scared my breath would be too loud.
I closed my eyes even though it made no difference it was dark even when I opened them. I tried to distract my mind, I thought about Newt I thought about him back in the Galde when life seemed far more simple than this. But soon those thoughts turned into fear, what if he didn't make it, what if he's dead right now or he went back for me and either got killed or taken by WICKED.
I open my eyes squinting trying to see but it was just black.

"That way!"

"That way!" The Cranks arguing.

I tensed up when I heard the Cranks enter the room. I heard the wheezing intakes of breath the their feet dragging across the floor.

The Cranks started arguing I didn't want to listen but the words were cold and cruel weaving their way through my brain.

"Little booooooy," A man's voice called taunting and creepy it was the first Crank that we saw no mistake, I could never forget his voice. "Little girrrrrrrrrrrrl'sss. Come out. Come out make a sound. I want your noses."

I wanted to scream I wanted to do something, anything. I clasp my hand over my mouth and bit into my lip too hold in any sounds.

"Nothin' in here." A woman spat. "Nothing but old table." She scratched her nails across the wooden table.

"Maybe they're hiding their noses under it." The first Crank said. "Maybe they're still attached to their sweet little pretty faces."

"Nothin' down there!" The woman screeched.

My whole body was tense as I heard the shuffle of feet as a Crank walks in front of the entrance to our spot.

"No!" Another man yelled, but it wasn't the man. "NO! No no no no no no no no no." The word quieted as he spoke.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes." The woman interrupted.

"Shut up!" The leader yelled. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"I'm leaving." The woman stumbled out.

"Me too, me too." The other man said.

"Shut up Shut up Shut up! Shut up Shut up! Shut up!" The leader mumbled. "Go away! Go away! Go away!"

Finally the shuffle of that Cranks feet grew quite and it became quiet again.

We didn't move for a good long while after that.

"I think they're gone." Brenda finally whispered and flicked on her flashlight.

"Hello, noses!" The hideous voice yelled from inside the room, he hadn't left.

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