31 The Right Arm

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We spend down the road in a blue car, Bertha.
Jorge was driving, Minho shotgun, Newt behind him beside the window. I love that boy's smile.

We got far driving through the mountains.

We drove through cliffs with the road, clinging to the side. The truck slow down and came to a stop. In front of us, the road was completely blocked by other vehicles abandoned there long ago. We all got out of the car looking forward. We didn't see the end to the block, one reason was that not far down the road there was a tunnel that lead into the mountain.

"Well, I guess we're on foot." Jorge said.

We walked forward scanning the cars for anything useful as we passed. The place was oddly silent only occasionally being broken by the cawing of crows in the distance. I felt like I was being watched.

Something got my attention, a bullet hole in one of the car's windshield's.
Gunshots just barely missed me.

"Get down!" Jorge yelled.

"Take cover!" Newt shouted.
He pulled me with him as we ran behind a car with Minho. I pressed my back into the metal waiting for another round.

"Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas asked.

"We're fine." Brenda answered her voice echoing in the cliffs.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked.

Soon came a couple more shots.

"Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck!" Jorge yelled. "And hold your ears!"

I look at Newt beside me getting myself ready not sure what Jorge was planning.

"Drop it. Now! I said drop it!" I heard a woman's voice yell. "On your feet. Let's go. Let's go! Move! Back up!"
I look to see Jorge and Thomas backing up with two girls standing in front of him, both of them holding guns and had a scarf covering their nose and mouth.

"You three over here now!" The same girl yelled at me, Minho and Newt. Slowly we stand up, not wanting to get shot.

"Come on, let's go!" The other girl ordered, she was shorter than the first girl and looked younger. She had blonde hair similar to Newt only longer.

"Don't be stupid! Move." The first girl told us looking over everybody.

"Slowly." The blonde girl said.

"Aris?" The first girl questioned, shocked, lowering her gun. Aris didn't say anything until she pulls down, her scarf showing her full face.

"Oh, my God. Harriet?" Aris walked forward.

"My God. What the hell are you doing here?" Harriet ran up to Aris, pulling him into a hug.

The blonde girl also pulls down her scarf, staring at Aris shocked.

I look at Newt we both share the same look of confusion. I know I'd never seen her before but the blonde girl had similar features to Newt.

"Sonya." Aris smiled at the blond girl, and she ran up, squeezing him tightly.

"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass. You all right man?" Sonya stepped back.

"Uh.. What's happening?" Minho asked.

"We were in the Maze together." Aris smile at us.

We still had our hands up, unsure if we were safe.

Harriet whistled loudly. "We're clear, guys! Come on out!" She yelled.

"Copy that. We're clear. Stand down!" A man high on the cliff yelled back.
I look to see multiple men all standing over.


Sony and Harriet lead us through the tunnel.

"Back it up, Joe!" Sonya called.
On this side of the tunnel, there were many trucks and cars all working. They were men with guns watching us as we passed.

"We're taking them to bass." Harriet told some people as we passed.

"Wait, so, how did you guys get here?" Aris asked.

"The Right Arm got us out." Harriet answered.

"Wait, wait. The Right Arm? Do you know where they are?" Thomas asked.

"Hop in." Harriet opened the door to a jeep.


We drove further through the mountains. Finally, we came to stop on top of the hill.

We stepped out in front of us was a camp. The camp was big, and well organized.

    "They've been planning this for over a year now." Harriet explained as she walked us down. "This is all for us."

     "You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." Sonya told us. "Where's Vince?"

    "Somewhere over there, I think." A man pointed.

    "Who's Vince?" Thomas asked.

    "He's the one who decides if you get to stay." Harriet told us.

    "I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army." Minho said. I had to agree with him it did seem a little small for an army.

    "Yeah, we were." A man walked out of a tent over to us. "This is all that's left of us. Lot of good people died getting us this far. Who are they?"

   "They're Immunes." Harriet answered. I'm guessing that guy was Vince, he acted in charge. "Caught 'em coming up the mountain."

    "Did you check 'em?" Vince wondered.

    "I know this guy, Aris. I trust him." Harriet pointed.

    "Well, I don't. Check 'em." Vince said.

     "Hey, boss..." Another man said.

I turned around hearing Brenda, gasping for breath. The moment I did she collapsed.

    "Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge wasted no time running forward to her.

    "What's going on?" Vince asked.

    "Brenda! Brenda." Jorge repeated.

I knew what was wrong it was the bite from the Crank. She kept gasping for breath. I didn't think it it would react this quickly I thought maybe should have at least a day.

    "Brenda, talk to me." Jorge held her.

    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She apologized in between breaths.

    "What's going on with her?" Vince knelt down.

    "I don't know. Brenda, are you all right?" Panic filled Jorge's voice. "Brenda? Talk to me."

    "What the hell? Oh, shit." Vince pulled down the fabric, revealing the bite. He shot up to his feet, pulling out his gun and pointed directly at Brenda. "Crank! We got a Crank!"

    "NO!" Jorge yelled shielding Brenda.

     "Wait, wait!" Thomas jumped in front, holding out his hand.

    "Get back!" Vince yelled.

      "Listen, okay? This just happened, okay? She's not dangerous yet." Thomas explained.

    "Well, you shouldn't have brought her here!" Vince yelled in Thomas's face.

    "I know." Thomas tried.

     "We let Cranks in here now, the safe haven doesn't last a week!" Vince shouted. "Step back!"

     "I understand, okay?" Thomas didn't move. "Just listen. Please. Please, okay? I told her that you could help. Okay? No."

Jorge was pulled off of Brenda. She was left on the dirt gasping for air as we stood around her unable to help.

    "There's gotta be something you can do." I plead.

     "Yeah, there is." Vince nodded. "I can put her out of her misery."

    "NO! NO!" Jorge fought viciously, trying to break free from the two men that were holding him back.

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