14 All Is Taken 

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We slammed the door shut.

"Lock the doors." Thomas yelled.

All was left to do is wait. We could hear the Grievers on the other side of the walls. It thumped on the door.
We could see it moving through the cracks under the door in between the wood planks on the windows.
There was a loud thumping, followed by screech coming from above us.
I squeeze Newt's hand. Any moment we didn't hear the griever seems to stretch for hours, even though it was probably only a couple minutes. My heart was racing, I wasn't too scared for myself, I was scared for everybody, especially Newt. He can handle himself but I can't live without him I decided that three years ago. We stayed close to each other huddled with the other boys.

"Stay back, guys." Newt instructed and we back away from the ceiling where the Griever was on top.

We watched quietly from the corner as the Griever stopped on top. Suddenly its tail burst through pulling out the support and part of the roof crashed.

"Is everyone all right?" Newt asked as I pull him up.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Jeff said.

"Help!" Clint screamed.

"Hey, grab him." Thomas yelled.

Newt and Thomas both go to help Clint before they could do anything. Clint was yanked under the roof followed by screaming.
I pull Newt away as Minho pulled Thomas.

"Hey, get away from there." I yelled as we heard the Griever on the other side of the wall.

"Get back. Hey, get back, get back." Thomas yelled.
We all backed away from the wall.
A Griever tail burst through.

"CHUCK!" Thomas shouted. I look to see the boy still close to the wall, and the Griever was about to grab him. "Get him, get him!"
Chuck screamed as it latched onto him.
Thomas lunged forward grabbing Chuck's hand in time.

"Grab him!" Thomas yelled at the griever was trying to pull Chuck out.

"Pull him back!" Teresa shouted.
We all ran forward grabbing onto Chuck trying to pull him in.

"Help!" Chuck screamed.

"Chuck, don't let go!" Thomas yelled.

"No shit." Chuck answered.

"Pull!" Teresa shouted.

"Don't let him go!" Newt yelled.
We all try to pull the boy back, but the Griever wanted him just as much as we did.

There was a loud scream, Alby charge forward viciously whacking at the Griever's arm. He knocked off the stinger, but didn't stop.
Finally, the Griever released Chuck and recoiled.

"Chuck, you okay?" Thomas checked as we all fell back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Chuck coughed picking up the stinger. "Thanks, Alby."

"Alby! Watch out!" Thomas shouted but it was too late.
Griever claw burst through the roof grabbing onto Alby.

"GRAB HIM!" Newt yelled.
Thomas ran forward grabbing onto Alby's arm.

"ALBY!" I scream.

"Thomas, get them out." Alby said before he was pulled out.

"ALBY!" Newt cried.

"NO!" Thomas screamed.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the boy that I had known basically my entire life in this Glade get pulled out. Three years, three years he had been there for me for all of us and now he was gone.

"Thomas? No, don't go out there!" Teresa yelled at Thomas rushed to the door.

We all yelled running after him. We stepped outside into the Glade that had been my home for three years. The huts were burning there were a few screams echoing in the distance, but no more Grievers. Smoke filthy air. But another thing it was quiet when the screaming stopped.

"Where is everybody?" Winston wondered.

"Who that over there?" Jeff pointed.
We look to see a group of three boys walking over. They came closeness, I recognized the one in front to be Gally. He stormed straight up to Thomas, punching him across the face.

Thomas fell to the ground.

"Gally!" I yell.
Everybody had to pull the boy back so he couldn't harm Thomas anymore.

"This is all you, Thomas! Huh? Look around." Gally yelled.

"Back off Gally. It's not Thomas' fault." Minho told the boy.

"You heard what Alby said. He's one of them. He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has! Look around, Thomas. Look around. This is your fault."

"Gally, just calm down. What are you talking about?" Newt told him.

Gally kept on trying to get back to Thomas fighting against everybody who's holding him back. It happened fast but everyone saw it. Gally hit Newt, in the face, hard. Newt stumbled back, almost falling from the hit.
That was my last straw. I storm up and I punch Gally in the face, as hard as I could, and the boy fell unconscious.

"Thomas!" We hear Teresa scream. "No, don't!"

"Aah!" Thomas yelled.
We all turn around and run over as Thomas collapsed.

"Thomas!" I yell.

"Chuck, get the other syringe." Teresa instructed.

"Thomas?" Newt said. "Say something."
I saw the stinger in Thomases hands .

"Thomas stay with us." I say.

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