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"okay, hongjoong should sit in the middle because hes-" san began, looking at hongjoong.

"only if he wants to, and if he doesnt then you have to because i hate the middle seat." wooyoung replied, sticking his tongue out.

"ill sit in the middle, its okay."

san smiled at hongjoong, thanking him.

wooyoung looked like he was going to say something, then he looked at hongjoong and pursed his lips.

"do you plan on drinking tonight?"

"uhh, im not sure, ive never been like.. drunk.." hongjoong admitted, looking down at his phone.

"hangovers suck, its super fun in the moment though. but if you dont want to drink i wont make you, and if anyone tries to peer pressure you ill kill them, because wooyoung would kill me if i didnt." san chimed in, still swiping through instagram. sans statement made wooyoung and hongjoong smile, hongjoongs smile was out of comfort and him almost laughing from his joke, and wooyoungs was because he knew san was wrapped around his finger. also because hongjoong was comfortable, of course.

"okay, i probably will. i dont want to look like a prude. and im not a pushover, dont worry san-ah." hongjoong shrugged and put his earphones in, he knew theyd be there soon, but he still wanted to be able to hear the audio from the tiktoks he was watching.

the car suddenly parked next to a house, it was huge. hongjoong was sure the driver made a mistake. "this isnt.. his house right?"

"it is. i told you its big." wooyoung spoke in a sing-songy voice.


the trio got out of the car, hongjoong exiting through wooyoungs door, which was closest to the sidewalk. the house was beautiful, that was one nice thing he could say about seonghwa. and that hes crazy hot.. like scarily attractive, how can someone even be-

"joong-ah? you spaced out. we're about to go in. he doesnt know we're here right now but he said we can just walk in.. also, its a pretty big party, but just stay with me, or someone in the group. or dont, but i just assumed youd- you know. sorry.."

hongjoong laughed, patting wooyoungs shoulder. he got anxious very easily, so he made the right judgement. "no, youre right. ill probably be staying next to you most of the time.. unless you dont want me to! then i can uh, sit somewhere, maybe, if seonghwa says its okay."

"you can do whatever you want, seonghwa wont mind, promise." wooyoung smiled, then he opened the door. god, the inside of the house was even prettier. there was a LOT of people inside though. "w..wow theres more people than i exp- wooyoung? san?" hongjoong did a 360 looking for his friends, 'how the fuck am i lost already??'

"shit-" he looked around one last time, then decided he  might as well drink alone.. maybe he would meet someone. it wasnt too bad, people werent looking at him, they were busy dancing and drinking. 'what even is the etiquette for getting a drink at a party?'

he knew they werent, but it felt like all eyes were on him. helpless little hongjoong lost on his own at his first ever party.

"is there a bathroom i can hide in..?" he muttered to himself as he pushed his way through people. "god- im going to kill wooy-" he stopped mid sentence, he saw somebody he knew. there were girls all over him, but he panicked and ran over to him anyway, he wanted to do anything that would make him appear to have friends.

"s-seonghwa! hi! i.. didnt think youd be here!" he yelled over the music, 'of course hes going to be here.. its his party dumbass.. whatever, atleast you arent alone now.'.
the girls rolled their eyes and left, mumbling something about hongjoong ruining their chance, "okay- now that it feels like i can talk without people hearing, do you know where wooyoung is? i walked in and he almost immediately disappeared. and i really dont want to stay here with you."

seonghwa felt sympathy for the boy, he looked down at him with a frown. "no, but i can take you to yunho, youll find woo eventually if youre with him. you might be super annoyingly stubborn about not wanting to be my friend, but im not gonna let you be walking around like a lost puppy, come on." he put his hand out, so hongjoong could grab it.

hongjoong looked at him, squinting, "id rather die than hold your hand.. cant i just follow you? your cockiness might rub off on me if i touch you."

seonghwa raised his eyebrows, then he simply shrugged and began walking. "hey- i-" hongjoong grabbed onto his jacket, swallowing his pride. "you couldve told me you were going to start walking!"

the taller male eventually stopped walking, causing hongjoong to release his grip. "here, this is yunho. im gonna go now, if you need me im just going to be sitting where you found me. nice outfit by the way, its cute."

hongjoongs face flushed red, "..thank you i guess?? your outfit is ok. kind of looks like a 2 year old put it together though." this caused seonghwa to laugh, he waved as he walked away.

"hi! hongjoong, right?" an extremely tall man presented himself, 'must be yunho.'. "yeah, youre yunho?" the tall male nodded, smiling. "youre super tall.."

"and youre super short, anyway, these are my friends. not all of them are in my main friend group, but infact, theyd be in yours."

a beautiful raven haired male made his way to hongjoong, he had a birthmark on his eye, and a cute smile. "hello! im yeosang. you can call me yeo or sangie though, if youd like! i know your name already, wooyoung never shuts up about you. you look nice!" before hongjoong could reply, the pretty man was replaced by someone who looked like he could kill him with one hand. he looked at the male and he felt nervous.

"hi im mingi!! honestly dont bother telling us your name, trust me, wooyoung has told us.. a lot." .... 'oh. he seems quite aloof and cute.' he walked away, yet again being replaced. this time, it was by a cute boy with slightly chubby cheeks.

"my names jongho. if youre a dick to any of my friends then i will quite literally fight you, and trust me you will lose, but as long as youre nice ill repay that kindness with kindness. you seem like a sweetheart though, i just tell everybody i meet that." when he began speaking, his face wore a cold and serious look, but when he finished it was covered by an adorable smile.

"ah.. okay.. thank you-!"

jongho was being pulled away by yeosang, they seemed nice. "is it okay if i stay with you until i find wooyoung? or.. wooyoung finds me i guess?"

the tall male nodded, smiling down at him. "have you had anything to drink? if not, do you want anything?"

hongjoong pondered the question, looking at the ground. "yeah, please."

and with that, yunho left. it was okay though, because he knew he would be back. hongjoong decided to sit on a nearby lounge, staring into the massive crowd of people. "w-wooyoung?!" he saw a guilty looking wooyoung basically running towards him.

"oh my god joongie im so sorry i didnt mean to leave you i-" hongjoong cut him off by hugging him, and then speaking. "its okay, i found seonghwa and he took me to yunho, im alright. i dont want to ruin your fun, you can go if youd like!"

wooyoung hugged hongjoong back, tight. when he finally let go he looked at hongjoong, considering his offer. "are.. are you sure? if you are, pleasepleaseplease dont hesitate to call me if you need me. im so sorry i-"

"hey- its okay! i promise. you can go, if i need you ill eventually find you."

wooyoung hugged hongjoong quickly, then ran back into the crowd. hongjoong would be okay.

what hongjoong didnt notice was seonghwa standing next to the lounge, watching that entire encounter. seonghwa found the shorter male adorable, and this solidified that image in his mind.

blllbblblb the end cuz im tired ill write more when i wake up probably

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