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if u have any good seongjoong , hyunlix , or jeongin x minho books lmk mayb !! i said jeongin x minho because im not sure wht pair name would be more recognisable for them


sorry for inactivity i had skz then i got sick ..


hongjoong felt like the air was awkward, had he truly been that obvious?

"hongjoong, dont worry, seonghwa is super dense.. hes not gonna know. i-.. no, we wont tell anyone. we wont even mention it unless you do first."
san comforted, smiling softly at hongjoong as he spoke.

"but like.. just because i like him doesnt make him any less annoying..."

wooyoung groaned in frustration, yelling about how 'hongjoong is so stubborn sometimes'. hongjoong tried to shush him, literally wrestling wooyoung to get a hand over his mouth. he was on the floor with the younger trying to bite him and pull his hair, all in good fun, of course.

what a sight for seonghwa to walk in on.

wooyoungs head shot up at the sound of the door opening, and he immediately stood up.
"hi seonghwa-hyung!"

hongjoong was left laying on the floor with his hair messed up, and his eyes were completely fixed onto seonghwa walking inside in his fully black work uniform. 
"hi woo. why is hongjoong on the floor?"

".. well- its none of your business."

"okay, well why is he glaring at me?"

"im hoping you might spontaneously combust if i stare hard enough."

seonghwa chuckled, walking over to pull hongjoong to his feet.
"what happened to you being all sweet this-morning?"

hongjoong shrugged and sat on his bed, clearly looking restless. though at the same time, he seemed to be lost in thought. the rest of the occupants of the room felt like disturbing him wasnt the smartest idea, until he suddenly snapped up and basically teleported to grab his phone.
"im bored, im gonna go for a walk."

"have fun!"
"stay safe, call me if you need something."

"can i come?"

'of course, nothing ever goes how i anticipate..'

"sure, but hurry up, im not waiting for you."
hongjoong booked it out of the door, basically flying down the stairs. seonghwa could be heard scrambling to catch up behind him, throwing his head back in laughter, almost causing him to slip down 3 flights of stairs.

when seonghwa reached the bottom of the stairs, he couldnt see hongjoong, so he took a second to catch his breath. his relief of finally having air in his lungs was short lived when he saw the breathtaking (haha funny) sight infront of him. hongjoong was looking over his shoulder with a wide smile on his face, and his eyes had formed crescent moons. seonghwas breath hitched as he stared directly at the blue haired male, almost tripping over air, despite not actually being in motion.
"are you just gonna stand there, or are we going to actually go for a walk?"

"i wouldnt mind just standing and staring at you for a little longer."

hongjoong had never gone so red in his life, he could have sworn he felt his soul leave for a moment.
"...p-ardon me?"

"nothing, a walk sounds good, yeah?"


as always sorry for the short chapter LMAO

do u guys want .. silly little mutual feelings but pining anyway OR like .. kiss kiss fall in love fast

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