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skip 2 xmas eve even tho i planned for it to be xmas on irl xmas but uh . I WSA ON HOLIDAY PLS
school is kicking my ass im so sorry if updates r slower than usual ily guys and im sorry if my writing is sometimes underwhelming and even disappointing considering how long chapters take, i promise i try my hardest <3 love u guys


"are you excited, joongie?? we're all going back to hwa-hyungs place for christmas, since he's the only one with an actual house.."

seonghwa, hongjoong hadnt seen seonghwa in a while. he missed him if he was being honest, but he'd keep that to himself.

"oh, yeah! sounds fun. i miss- i miss hanging out as a group." hongjoong smiled, going back to playing whatever random mobile game he was using to pass time. he zoned out until wooyoungs voice brought him back to reality,
"wait, so are you gonna wear anything special? or just plain old shirt and pants? i could do your makeup again!! you have such a pretty face so its nice following the natural shape of it when i- sorry.. i started rambling."

hongjoong laughed at how wooyoungs face dropped, then put a hand on his shoulder. "its okay, your rambles are like one of my favourite things about you." he then answered his questions,

"well, i'll probably put on an outfit i like, and you can do my makeup if you want. christmas theme maybe?"

wooyoungs face lit up like a child's on christmas, ironically, and he immediately sat down next to hongjoong to talk about colour schemes and outfits, but mid sentence he stopped abruptly.

"oh my god- i was supposed to help seonghwa set up his decorations in like 10 minutes... and i have a date with san tonight.."

(im sure u can see where this is going)

hongjoongs stomach dropped, he prayed wooyoung wouldnt ask, because he didnt know if he could handle alone time with the older, he doesnt even know how he pulled off a whole day shopping with him. 
"ahh... i wonder if yeo-"

"hongjoongie.. you love me right? you love me sosososo much?"

hongjoong sighed, it was like choosing between a dying child and a dying kitten. the kitten being himself, obviously. meow meow motherfucker.

"wooyoung i-"

the puppy eyes on the youngers face played with hongjoongs emotions, and he didnt like that.

"I LOVE YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! sannie will be grateful to you too, i owe you!! and please dont tell hwa i accidentally double booked my afternoon, just tell him you wanted to help and i took the opportunity to stay home i dont know-"

hongjoong nodded and ruffled wooyoungs hair, standing up to put presentable clothes on.
"i have to go now, have fun with hwa! just text him and tell him to pick you up."

'hes going to be the death of me. hes seriously gonna kill me one day.' he continued to brush his hair and put a different shirt on, then he opened his messages app.

"i dont have his number."

after 10 minutes of stalking his friends instagrams, he finally found one looking like it belonged to seonghwa.
he followed the account and since it was private, had to wait for seonghwa to accept the follow request to dm him. luckily for him, the request was accepted very fast, and seonghwa dmed first.

whats a cutie patootie like u doing in my follower requests (with rizz)

asking u to pick me up so i can help u decorate. if u dont pick me up im not helping. wooyoung cant come

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