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when hongjoong had made it to his dorm, wooyoung was already sound asleep, filling the quiet of the room with almost silent snores every now and then. hongjoong very quickly rinsed in the shower, too tired to do much more, then changed into the oversized jumper seonghwa had gifted him, and one of the pairs of shorts. he made sure to quickly slip the necklace off, placing it carefully on his bedside table.

as he fell asleep, he smiled at the thought of the older, the way his hair falls perfectly on his forehead, how his eyes light up when hes happy how his lips looked so soft, he often found himself imagining what it would be like to kiss him, and after that night with the mistletoe, it was something he could definitely get used to. not in a romantic way, obviously..

he found himself stuck on that, was it really not romantic? seonghwa was so his type, and absolutely gorgeous.. but he couldnt like him. seonghwa was annoying, hes only his friend because he helped him that one time. he shook his thoughts away and rolled over, ready to sleep. when he finally drifted away into unconsciousness, his dreams ran wild.

he was about to get to the climax (take that as you wish) of his dream, when 3 knocks on the door  accompanied by wooyoung groaning woke him up.
"hongjoong? can you get that pleaaaase? i think its san-ah.."

hongjoong nodded and quickly clipped the necklace seonghwa had bought him back on, smiling.

as he opened the door, he did infact see san, but with him was no other than the cause of his dilemma.
"hi san!"

"hey, is wooyoung in?"

"obviously, hes on his bed."

with hongjoongs words, san all but teleported to his lovers bed, showering him with kisses and phrases of love.


hongjoong almost, almost, shut the door right in seonghwas face, until his voice reminded him of his presence.
"youre wearing the necklace?"

"was it supposed to sit in a box and have no use?"

"thats not what i meant.. anyway, can i come in or what?"

hongjoong didnt answer, instead he spun around and walked back to his bed, flopping onto it with his legs hanging over the edge. seonghwa sat next to him, cautiously since he hadnt asked to. hongjoong didnt mind.

"do you wanna go get a coffee?"

"i wanna go back to sleep.."

"...... its 11 o'clock..????"


hongjoong closed his eyes, groaning.

"i atleast wanna lay down so it feels like im sleeping."

he got back under his blanket and readjusted his pillow, letting his head fall onto it after he fixed it. seonghwa just sat confused, is he supposed to move or what? he carefully stood up, getting ready to awkwardly stand in the middle of the room.

hongjoong half yawned and reached an arm out to grab seonghwa to stop him from standing, he cleared his throat to speak.
"can you..."
his sentence trailed off, and he seemed to be nervous from how his eyes were fixated everywhere but seonghwas.

"what was that?"

"can you play with my hair..?"

seonghwa almost died. how can someone be so cute? how could THE kim hongjoong begin to get any cuter??? his blue hair was already sprawled over his pillow, so seonghwa had an idea.

"of course, sit up for a second and ill get us into a comfy position."

after some shuffling, seonghwas back was against the headboard while hongjoong sat inbetween his legs, the height difference was enough to make the blue hair easy to reach for seonghwa.

wooyoung almost screamed at the sight, instead he whisper-yelled at san to take a photo as fast as he could.

hongjoong loved having his hair played with, wooyoung knew that, but he also knew that he would only ever ask somebody he is comfortable with to do it.
"hate my ass.. they look like more of a couple than me and you-"
wooyoung complained.

hongjoong liked this, it felt domestic. he loved the feeling of the tallers hand tangling with his blue strands of hair as they watched tiktok off of his phone, who was too shy to sleep; and he loved how every now and then seonghwas other arm switched from around his waist to playing with his free hand.

man, seonghwa is such a good friend.


um . i originally had a better plan but i suck at writing slowburn so theyre gonna be two obliviously in love friends for a bit i guess

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