Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Extra Story: The Qiongxiao launches, all the staff cracked candies, and proposed marriage

  Regarding Huaguo's upcoming launch of a new type of satellite, it has been kept in high secrecy. It was not officially announced until one month before the launch.

  At first, most netizens didn't pay too much attention to this thing, after all, launching a satellite is not a problem. Although the number of Huaguo satellites is difficult to compare with country a and country b, it has already led most countries.

  Therefore, the matter about this satellite has only caused a whirlwind among aerospace technology enthusiasts in a small range.

  The reason why it finally attracted the attention of most netizens originated from a press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  The reason is that on the third day after the release of the "Qiongxiao" by country a, the diplomatic spokesperson of party a publicly accused China of exaggerating the use and various data of the satellite named "Qiaoxiao" and intentionally intimidating other countries. Suspicion, no ability to pretend.

  As a "star civil servant" among the Chinese people, the various golden sentences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have always attracted everyone's attention.

  As soon as the regular press conference of the day ended, the Chinese diplomatic spokesperson's response to the "Dome" satellite quickly appeared on the hot searches.

  In the video, the spokesperson in a suit and leather shoes, with his usual serious face, has a slightly teasing expression when talking about this satellite:

  "The spokesperson of Party A said that we are suspected of exaggerating the purpose and various data of Qiongxiao. , we express our great regret. Because we never thought that country A, which has always regarded itself as a big satellite country, would be so unimaginative in the manufacture and use of satellites.

  How can we exaggerate such a simple technical problem? When a When the surgeon said he would open the chest, would anyone think he was talking nonsense?

  We announced the purpose of the Dome because we believed that there were no technical barriers to it. If this hurts the self-esteem of some technologically weak countries, we are sorry I am deeply sorry for this.

  We have always adhered to a peaceful stance, will not take the initiative to offend other countries, and resolutely maintain the international order. This point welcomes the supervision of all parties."

  Obviously, relevant people in country A are paying attention to the news about this satellite. Today As soon as the press conference was over, several officials scolded the Chinese spokesperson for being shameless on the BlueTweet app.

  But at the same time, they were holding an emergency meeting in private, and devoted a lot of attention to the "Qiongxiao".

  After watching the video of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, netizens in Huaguo were delighted:

  [We sincerely invite everyone to come and enjoy together, what is a national Versailles. 】【狗头】

  【Families, underline the key point, "will not take the initiative to offend", that is to say, if anyone commits a crime, don't blame us for being rude. 】【狗头】【Wo

  Hua: We just announced a kindergarten-level technology, why are you so serious. 】【狗头】

  【The group of people that Lan pushed have already broken their defenses. There used to be a blogger who openly insulted Hua's technological level, and now he is pissing me off and talking nonsense. ]

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