Not all secrets will remain hidden [ Akito x Injured! Reader ]

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Category: Angst i think..?

Characters Included:
Akito Shinonome ( 東雲彰人 )
An Shiraishi ( 白石杏 )

An is your best friend in this one shot btw!! ^^

Akito x Injured! Reader
"WAIT!- AN PLEASE NOOOO! DONT. SHIRAISHI I SWEAR TO GOD." you yelled but An ignored your pleas as she ran towards Akito.

"OI! ORANGE!!" An yelled at the top of her lungs. Akito lifted his head and looked at An, "Did you really have to yell in my ears like that..?" he asked.

An rolled her eyes at Akito as you finally used up your energy to catch up with her.

"Akito. Don't listen to her. Please. I beg you." you say as you stare directly at An, she can clearly tell by your eyes that you're trying to threaten her but she cares about your health and isn't going to let this slide.
"Hm, ok" Akito responded as he turned his head in the opposite direction of you two.
You mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"Akito this is important! You have to listen to me! Its about Y/n!" An exclaimed.

Akito turned his head to face An almost immediately. "What is it." He replied as he glared at her.

As soon as you heard that, the relief you previously felt, disappeared, dissolved, evaporated even. After a small panic session you had in your head, You scurried off like a rat being chased by a cat. Akito watched you dash off with a confused yet very concerned look on his face.

"An. What is it." he said sternly as he got up from where he was sitting, resting his hands on the table.

"Well, Y/n is injured. Actually, they've been hiding this injury from everyone for a week now b-" An said but before she could finish, Akito already ran off to find you.

'Where the hell could they have gone?!' he thought to himself as he ran out of the cafe in which he was previously in. He decided to check your favorite spot, which was conveniently close by.

He finally arrived at the sandy shores of the beach, the nostalgia hit like waves, (lol I'm so funny guys 🤗🤗 /hj..) he remembers the first time you brought him here ever so clearly.

But that's not why he was here. He was here to look for you.

After 5 minutes of searching to no avail, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see An holding you by your wrist preventing you from escaping.

"I believe you're looking for them good sir?" An said as she lightly shoved you towards Akito nearly causing you both to topple over. "I'll be leaving this to you now." she said as she walked off hoping for the best.

Luckily the beach wasn't crowded with people because that would've made it more awkward than now.

"Y/n. Why would you hide something this serious from me?" Akito asked you.

You knew the answer to this. It's because they told you, wait, no. they threatened you not to tell anyone. Or they'd hurt him. Maybe even kill him. There's no way you're getting your boyfriend involved in some stupid stuff like this.

"I- Akito..I just didn't want you to worry about me that's all..! You've already been stressed enough with your own problems..I'm not just going to push my small problems on to you..!" You said while scratching the back of your head and averting your gaze from him to the ground.

"Y/n. You know I can tell when you're lying right? I'm not stupid. Tell me what it is now." He demanded while crossing his arms.

'Oh shit. Is it really that obvious when I'm lying..? I guess he saw through my lie.' You thought to yourself.

"I-I'm sorry Akito I can't tell you." You said as you turned around to walk away. Akito grabbed your hand, but you managed to slip away and run off.

He was most definitely going to have to confront you at school tomorrow.



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