At the end of the day [ Honami x Reader ]

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Category: Angst to Fluff

Characters Included:
Honami Mochizuki (望月穂波)

Honami x Reader
"Honami! Can you help me out here?"
"Of course i'll help you!"

"Honami, Can you help me with this project please?"
"Alright sure!!"

"Honami, Can you help me pleaseee?"

Your girlfriend was almost always, and when i say almost always, i mean almost ALWAYS, busy helping someone. You loved her a lot, you really did, you supported her through everything she decided on doing, but sometimes shes too kind for her own good.

This is where you start to notice just how annoying this is starting to get. You cant imagine how she felt, stressed, with piles upon piles of requests from people wishing for her help as if she were their guardian angel that only came into their life to solve their problems. You decided to confront her.

You already asked her to meet you here, so you were just gathering your final thoughts as to what you were going to start off by saying, little did you know, this confrontation would spark something within you, causing you to snap at her. "Honami, i don't know how long it will take for YOU to REALIZE you cant live like this..! You're being used by so many people.! Do you not EVER think about how dumb and vulnerable you're making yourself seem?!??",
and those words were enough to make her go silent causing her to tear up.

She quickly ran outside as an attempt to prevent you from seeing her tears, but you already seen them and you felt completely horrible. 'What just happened? Did you really just say that??' you thought to yourself while being eaten alive by extreme guilt. You knew how sensitive she was yet you still, somehow, managed to find the nerve somewhere to make her cry. You were mad at yourself, you couldn't think properly but you knew you had to find someway to make it up to her.

'Getting her flowers? Nah thats way too basic.. Tickets to her favorite singers concert? Eh..not the best idea you've had but if you cant think of anything else then..' you thought to yourself, mentally sighing. Many other ideas came and went through your mind..until one specific one felt like it was the one.

You quickly checked the fridge for ingredients, alright, you're only missing..sugar. 'That shouldn't be too hard to get' you thought as you slipped your shoes on and hastily made your way to a nearby store.

After making your purchase, you basically speed walked back home, just incase Honami was already back. To your luck, she wasn't. You got everything all set up and all that was left was to wait for her to return.

After 7 minutes, you heard someone opening the door. You looked up from your phone to see Honami walking in. You slightly smiled then saw the almost dried up tears on her face. The guilt was back but you tried to ignore it as you signaled for her to come towards you. She hesitantly walked over and you instantly hugged her, causing her to flinch, you threw out a million apologies, you then felt her hands wrap around you, saying that she was also sorry for making you feel like that, she knew you were only trying to look out for her after all. You replied back to her, saying she had nothing to be sorry for.

You both stayed like that, in silence for a bit. It felt nice, but you unwrapped your hands from around her and showed her the stuff you had, "We can make apple pies together! Consider this apart of my apology." you said. You saw her eyes light up and she smiled widely. You knew she loved to bake with you, especially if what your making happens to be her favorite food. You smiled, as you took up a bowl.

For the rest of the night, you both baked, watched small recordings from Leo/Need's past performances and by the time the moon had fully risen, you were both snuggled together under a blanket, whispering sweet nothings to each other.

At the end of the day, you loved her and she loved you, there is and will never be anything that could stop that.

Author's note
Requested by: @archduchessdeale


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