Gyutaro; Ice Hashira

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A/n✨ Gyutaro x hashira reader ⛅️

You're a hashira, (yup another hashira demon slayer fanfic) gyutaro and his sister are not demons in this!! This is how I see them in the demon slayer corps. They just finished the final selection? on the mountain clearing them to be demon slayers even though Ume didn't want to do this, but she didn't want to be without her brother.

Master Kagaya called for a meeting today for the hashira, every hashira was to attend including you, the ice hashira. Your heart was as cold as ice towards anyone who would take a precious life. You watched your older brother get taken away from you by a demon you later found out was of the 12 Kizaki, his judgement was clouded with lust as he was blinded by your beauty and wanted you to join him and out of a desperate attempt you almost did, but when he extended a cup of his blood you knocked it out his hand and ran. You didn't get far before the demon pinned you down calling you an ungrateful bitch, ready to eat you when you were suddenly saved by someone. He was a hashira who trained you to be his successor unfortunately you couldn't do any forms of water breathing, you could barely even hold a sword but watching your brother get murdered left you cold and you were able to create your own technique of breathing. You had 8 forms but the 8th form could potentially freeze your heart in the process so it was your last ticket triumph. You told yourself you'd save it for Muzan himself if you had the chance to face him.
Walking towards the meeting area you approached Kagaya passing through the garden with his children
"oh hello master, you're looking very good today" you bow slightly
"y/n" he speaks reaching for you he lightly places his hand along your cheek and you get goosebumps as your face heated up he guided your face up to look at him
"y/n. I heard you managed to save that village Midwest, even the young girls that went missing days prior were all able to return to their families."
You smile overwhelmingly pleased from the acknowledgment while blushing
"yes sir, im so glad I could help them before it was too late."
"Excellent job my child, you've grown into such a wonderful member of the corps despite your atrocious swordsman skills."
"Heh, thank you sir" you smile cheekily
"walk with us to the courtyard?" He asks.
"Of course!" You beamed, smiling following behind him.
Everyone was waiting already when you arrived, you took your place among your colleagues and kneeled
"children im so happy you're able to join me on this warm day, we have 2 new members that have shown great athleticism and commitment to us, I wanted them to train first with y/n, I feel the boy, gyutaro will learn the most from you being a dual weapons user. I'll send him to your home first, he has a younger sibling that doesn't leave his side, try to make them an unbeatable duo."
"Understood" you respond. He continued on with the meeting and wrapped it up shortly due to someone being sent on a mission. You said your goodbyes to the other hashiras and wished them well, and headed towards your home, when you arrived to the gates outside your mansion you saw an adorable pair of siblings sitting outside the on the grass waiting for you.
"Are you y/n?" The boy asks nervously scratching his neck 
"I am, and you two must be the reason I don't have any missions the next 3 days"
"yes'm my name is Gyutaro and this is my little sister ume" they both stand to greet you he was so anxious and she was so easy going almost cluelessly following her brothers lead, like a puppet.
"no need for the formalities! Are you hungry? Let's get some lunch and then start training I'd like to access you today to see what you can do first." You tell them as they follow you into your home.
The girl looked normal, healthy almost, very beautiful, her brother looked malnourished though almost sick, and seemed very self conscious about it. They must've grown up poor and he took care of her that much you could see. What a loving selfless big brother you gushed internally while thinking about yours.
After lunch you headed out to the open field where you trained and spared at. Gyutaro wielded a pair of Kama as weapons, it makes sense why the master wanted them to train with you, they will make fine nichirin blades when they come in you thought.
"Alright come at me with all you got!" You tell him getting into your fighting stance.
"but you have no weapons?" He tilts his head confused and concerned
"I'll pull out my defense when I think you can land a hit" you tell him grimly next thing you know he appeared right next to you, raising his arm to swing "huh.... not bad!" You shout blocking his hit and delivering a counter blow with a kick sending him flying.
Ume ran to his side and he brushed her away before standing back up facing you he's fast, and he doesn't stay down long. He must be used to fighting. "Again" you call out he comes at you slinging his weapons effortlessly in pattern you backed away dodging him, following his lead when he began to slow down
"that's incredible, they're like an extension of you, have you always had these?" You asked surprised.
"Yes, since I could walk really." You stopped suddenly frozen he's been playing with weapons since he was a toddler?!?
"Okay let's see what ume has, you can rest now." Ume didn't do well in combat on her own, she was clumsy, but both of them together was something like a masterpiece, you watched as she hopped on his back and their body combined into basically a beast with 4 arms wow He wasn't as malnourished as I thought.
"Now that's something worth pulling my weapon out for" you grin. The swordsmith made you ninchirin knuckles, you couldn't swing a sword no matter how hard you trained but the amount of mass you produced with your punch alone was powerful enough to destroy a demons head, and for the more powerful demons the poison that Shinobu concocted for each pointed tip would shock and disorientate them enough for you to deliver the final blow. But since you were training you pulled out your wooden "brass knuckles" slipping them on you attacked the duo with a barrage of punches and kicks until ume dismantled from her brother.
"Wow you're incredible sensei" she shouts
"I think we should call it a day, we can continue training tomorrow." You tell them heading back inside.
You all sat around the table together and ate dinner you opened up to them a little about yourself hoping to create some sort of trust and bond with them.
"I'm sorry for you loss, y/n. He was a very lucky man blessed really to love you until the end." Gyu tells you scratching his arm. You were frozen momentarily unable to respond, no one had ever said something like that to you so you never saw it like that. He died loving you until the end and that's all he ever wanted.
"Thank you, I appreciate your kind words" you look at him relieved he looked shocked at your reaction for a second before gasping and turning his head slightly embarrassed his whole body turned red as a tomato as far as you could see.
"oh uhm don't mention it" he mumbled
"Huh? Big brother what's wrong are you sick?" Ume asked reaching her hand for his forehead. He tries to dodge her
"No I'm fine! Stop."
"Whaaa brother you're burning up you should go lay down" she stands panicking moving towards him.
"Oh huh?" You ask after taking a sip of your drink "are you not feeling well gyu?" You ask
"Mmmm no.. I mean yes I feel fine.... Im just going to get ready for bed if youll excuse me." He stands dismissing himself from the table
"Ume stay and finish you're meal" he commands her and she sits back down at her seat returning to eat as normal. A couple of minutes after he left you noticed he only took a couple of bites of his meal
"Hey Ume, your brother doesn't eat much does he?" "No... he's used to giving his meals to me when we were younger so I think his stomach is smaller than average." She tells you sorta sad
"Ah I see. That makes perfect sense, you have a kind brother don't you?" You ask
"Mhmm he's the best, he always takes care of me and protects me. I could never go without him.. even if I do slow him down. I want to be stronger so I can protect him!" She proclaimed slamming her fist on the table. You were moved but her words, you honestly felt like you were in her exact shoes just 9 months ago, you wondered if her brother knew any of this. Whatever reason why they joined the corps you feel they made the right decision. You reach for her hand and grab it gently
"im going to do my best to train you while I'm here then" you smile softly her eyes watered slowly before spilling out she ran into your arms and sobbed into your shoulder.
After dinner you went to you room to sleep but laid there restless for a couple of hours, your stomach growled tempting you for a late night snack. You made your way to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge opting for some fruit, you chopped up a pineapple, kiwi, and some strawberries into a bowl with honey. On your way back to your room you saw a shadow in the corner of your eye quickly move outside from the light of the moon. It couldn't be a demon, there's too much wisteria around us. Maybe Ume? Why is she sneaking around at this hour, you walk outside and to see the shadow jump to the roof. There's no way that's Ume, she's not that athletic you thought repeating the strangers pattern you hopped up on the roof thinking this could only mean one thing. It's
"Gyutaro" you whispered when you landed next to him startling him.
"Couldn't sleep either?" You ask sitting next to him popping a fruit in your mouth.
"No.. it's hard for me in new surroundings. I didn't want to wake you or Ume."
"Oh I couldn't sleep either" you offer the bowl towards him hoping he would take you up on the offering. He slowly reaches his hands towards the bowl and as if he was scared of the sight of his own hands he retracted them changing his mind
"Uhm no thank you." He begins to scratch his neck and you reached for his hand stopping him. Intertwining your fingers into his slowly he gasped lightly at your touch.
"Stop doing that please... if you feel you need to itch around me then just reach for my hand. You smile watching his face burn red from your touch it was as if he wasn't breathing any longer.
"You're not.. you're not disgusted by me?" He asked confused.
"No... should I be?" You questioned back equally confused.
"Well everyone says I'm...." He starts
"Shhhh who cares what people who don't know you have to say? Don't let them get to you. Just worry about yourself and your sister. That all you should be concerned about and she tells me you're the best big brother there is and that's all I need to hear. You think I'm Disgusted? I am delighted to have met you and had the opportunity to train you here, in my home. It's an honor" you smile.
He stares through you, as if zoned out you knew your words would get though to him.
"Can I have a hug?" You ask not wanting to over load him with emotions. He nods his head slowly a couple of times before you wrapped your arms around his neck squeezing him softly. It was a long awkward hug because you refused to let go until he hugged you back, you slowly felt his shoulders relaxed and he slowly brought his arms up around your waist. He wrapped his arms up your back and rested the weight of his head on your shoulders before you loosened the grip on the hug signaling him to let go.
You offer the bowl to him again and this time he takes a couple of the fruit and tosses them in his mouth. You follow suit and take a few again also looking up at the moon and the stars you both sat there quietly, sparingly starting conversation just enjoying the solitude and sweet fruit.

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