(ROR) scenario gods reacting to their s/o joining ragnarok and switching sides

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A/n✨ reader is a goddess who fought in ragnarok these are the reactions of your husbands feat. Hermes, Loki & Poseidon. Of course I tried to keep everyone in character based on how I feel they would react, any feedback is welcome.

⚠️ Tw mentions of abuse mental, physical, and manipulation...

Hermes 🫧

Hermes was livid.

Let's start with the fact that Hermes didn't want you  to enter ragnarok even though you promised to win.

But then you had the audacity to switch sides and join the human roster?!

After all he's done for you, how could you turn on him like this? He saved you from mortality and ascended you into god hood. He was appalled that you would disrespect him and his father like that.

But what did he expect? You used to be a human after all...

His jaw nearly hit the floor watching another god rock your shit so violently but he was confident you'd win, with his heavy knowledge in fighting and how he pays so close attention to details a lot of it has rubbed off on you.

He would low key sigh happily when you'd figure out your opponents tricks
You are going to be in for a great deal of punishment when you make it out of this alive because if you died, he would have Beelzebub bring you back and just torture you and make you wish you were dead.

After your fight, Brunhilde would be waiting to take you to the medical bay and you would both run into Hermes who was waiting for you

"Lord Hermes... please allow me to take y/n to the medical room."

"There is no need, I will take her from here." He responds coldly staring at you.

Brunhilde hesitated she knew Hermes wasn't in the right state of mind currently. But he was one of the 12 Olympian gods, she could not detest.

"You should go prepare for the next round, I'll be ok" you tell her while reaching out for Hermes who has had his arm extended for you at what already seemed like an extended period of time.

The walk to the med bay was silent.

He would sit in the corner of the room quietly with his legs crossed not taking his eyes off you once.

You could probably count on both hands how many times he blinked while there honestly

"Darling.. why would you betray me?"

Is what he would ask after he had confirmation that you didn't have any life threatening injuries

Whatever reason you come up with and give him won't be good enough.

"Y/n..." he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose

He grabs a wheelchair and whisks you from the medical bay, pushing you directly into a private room, he would lock the door behind him and probably smash the doorknob so it couldn't open.

You hear it and semi panic and he will circle around in front of you slowly Almost menacingly until he's standing directly in front of you

"Hermes please... I'm sorry.." your sentence was cut short by a harsh sting to your face where he slaps you.

It took a cold minute for you to regain your composure and turn back towards him but when you did you could tell his face was filled with pain and anguish, he was hurting on the inside

"If you're going to beg for my forgiveness, do it correctly." Another cold response

You can apologize in your sincerest way, just make sure you address him as my love, my king, etc

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