(Bllk) Them as boyfriends

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🤍B. Meguru🤍

-you're his best friend
-matching high top converses
-is so annoyingly cute it's disgusting. He will always make you laugh but will never leave you alone
-would walk up behind you covering your eyes saying 'guess who'
-you are constantly on his mind so he will always be texting you, and sending you memes when he's not asleep
-takes goofy pictures of you all the time he loves cherishing the memories, a picture of you resting in his arms is his wallpaper
-y'all have matching bracelets or something accessory wise
-he tells you EVERYTHING, as if you're an extension of him.
-he will want you at every game supporting him, he would blow you a kiss in the middle of the play just to piss his opponent off
-prepare for A LOT of nap dates he's a sleepy boy
-loves to go to the aquarium with you and geek out over the dolphins
-when you run and hug him he picks you up and spins you happily reciprocating your energy
-will give you pep talks when you're feeling down
-he's such a chill, easy going boyfriend and down for whatever, movie ok, go out for dinner sure, skating rink he's down for whatever you want! 
-he can't cook but will burn a meal up for you and say bon appetite!
-hugs are soft and comforting, he likes to hold you in his lap so you two can play with each others hair
-loves to go on long walks with you and talk
-plan for a lot of outdoor, fresh new experiences and activities. He's always willing to try something different.

🤍C. Hyoma🤍

-it took him awhile to be fully comfortable around you but now he won't shut you out ever
-loves to do weekly face mask, and pedis with you. He loves to take care of himself and you love to see him pampered as well
-spa days including mud baths together or sugar scrubs
-he is 100% reliable as your man btw he will always be there when you need him for advice, a shoulder to cry on, massages...
-he don't text much throughout the day, a good morning and good night is warranted. But when you two are together it's magical
-he listens to your work drama and all the tea, it's all comical and interesting to him
-matching checkered Vans vibes
-He loves letting you play with his hair and braid it
-he can be blunt about things with a monotone voice but doesn't mean to come off rude
-you'll ask if he wants you to come to his games and he will act nonchalant like he doesn't care or it's ok if you have other plans but when you show up you wear his number proudly and he blushes immensely, you always try to get a picture with him before the game to show off how cute y'all are.
-will always open the door for you
-loves holding your hands, his hands are so soft you love touching him
-dresses and smells nice
-very patient with you, he doesn't get annoyed or is easily bothered by most things.
-late night drives with the window down

🤍I. Yoichi🤍

-He's always looking at you wondering how he got so lucky
-he's so soft for you
-level 5 clinger
-always walks you home and makes sure you're safe
-loves to buy you stuff and get you little gifts at random times because it reminded him of you.
-he will hold your hand, when walking next to you always, he doesn't want anyone to think you two are just friends
-110% reliable and trustworthy
-he will constantly text throughout the day to make sure you're doing ok
-loves to give you Eskimo kisses
-Compliments your look everyday no matter how little effort you've put into your appearance that day. You're so beautiful in his eyes
-invites you to all his games, the whole team knows a lot of basic details about you like your fav color, middle name, fav food because he doesn't stop talking about you.
-he asks his mom to teach him how to cook, so he can learn how to make all your favorite meals 🥺
-he's felt comfortable enough to break down in front of you like full ugly tears
-would plan picnic dates and take you on nature trails and capture some bomb scenic photos of you. He's your hype man and personal photographer
-y'all have matching adidas energy
-he will teach you some things about soccer and play with you sometimes on the weekends that you two don't really have plans
-his kisses are real genuine
-you should always wear comfy shoes and plan for a lot of exploring, walking, bike riding and sight seeing.

🤍S. Ryusei🤍

-He's not a complete Hard ass around you but you've definitely become desensitized to his demeanor
-Not to say he's not kind to you because it's obvious to everyone especially you, that he's soft when it comes to you
-But you both also tire each other out occasionally with attitudes because you throw it back if he catches one
-matching black air forces energy
-piggy back rides
-He's always nearby and got eyes like a hawk always watching you
-teaches you how to do a winged eyeliner look
-He doesn't text you all day but he will call/ video chat with you at least 2-3 times a day if he doesn't see you
-Gives the best hugs, he gonna squeeze you so tight
-If you talk to him about your problems he might threaten to hurt someone so you try not to complain to him too much
-He big jealous so keep other male friends contact to a minimum
-he's such a flirt with you, his little comments and compliments will always make you weak in the knees
-he got a strong jawline too so he's probably a great kisser, and lots of neck kisses to tickle you he loves to hear you genuinely giggle from his kisses tickling you
-will open the door for you so he can smack that ass when you walk into places
-he will always hold your hand when walking next to you and keep the other in his pocket casually
-even sitting next to him he will always have his arm wrapped around you so you can cuddle up on to his shoulder/chest
-he loves touching you
-loves your style and all your outfits he wants to always have his hands on you
-plan for a lot of outside activities and beach days

🤍N. Seishiro🤍

-First of all can we talk about how reo was lugging around this tall mf on his back when he's 6'3!???
-piggy back rides all the time fam
-he will always be down to stay in with you, cuddle and watch movies, eat junk food and play the wii
-lots of forehead kisses and head pats
-every back rub you give him he will always return the favor
-he's always on his phone so he will pick up on the first ring if you call. If you text and he doesn't respond immediately it's cus he forgot at the moment. Just double tap that.
-matching Nike slides
-he remembers everything you've told him whether you thought he was paying attention or not he was listening just not always responding.
-it will be like pulling teeth to get him out the house and be productive with you because he wants to be lazy
-he won't keep you a secret but your dating life will be mostly private he won't have you on display like an elf on the shelf but if anyone asks he will tell them you're his.
-he's allowed you to shape him up (if you want)
-lots of antique toy shops, game shops, manga shopping days together
-he will apologize and own up to his mistakes once he realizes he's messed up and understands how
-he loves when you cook or do anything for him cus he's a lazy bean
-talks about you getting a high paying job so he can be a stay at home husband
-when he's playing video games and you're tired and want some attention he will let you straddle him in his game chair and let you rest your head comfortably on his shoulder until you doze off snoring in his ear
Plan for a lot of indoor activities including gaming, watching movies and reading.

🤍I. Rin🤍

-His life revolves around soccer so sometimes he gets caught up in playing, practicing and working out that he doesn't pay attention to you
-once you call him out on it he will take a break and spend more time with you it's just difficult for him to find a balance without your help
-he likes to walk next to you arm in arm or his arm around your waist/shoulder
-you're gonna be real flexible with all the yoga and meditation
-takes you to small cafes and bakeries
-buys you all the nice things and gifts
-you're always sporting a new bag or shoes
-You guys definitely have matching Jordan's
-he has a lot of girl fans he doesn't pay attention too you have to beg him to be nice and take photos or sign autographs. You're.... VERY secure in your relationship with him and how you both feel for each other, he barely put up with you so you know he not talking to anyone else 😭
-hes real antisocial and a very direct individual so he's not big on social outings
-he will come with you though, and play his part to make you happy but his social battery is real low don't overload him pls
-texting is boring to him don't expect much of it. He will just call you
-nonstop talking about soccer and watching old games and performance videos
-you usually sit on the floor between his legs during these so you can fall asleep against his legs
-He's really smart so he will help you study if you're struggling anywhere
-loves to fall asleep on your chest while you're playing with his hair or humming a tune he feels like a big baby in heaven he will drool on you because he's so relaxed.
-You should plan to be able to keep yourself occupied while he's out on the field, stay hydrated, get some comfortable cushions for the benches, a good book or game. You don't HAVE to be there but he's seemingly more focused when you are.

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