Satoru Gojo sfw headcannons

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A/n✨ Just a abc sfw headcannons to stimulate the mind the asmr video is in Japanese but his voice makes my brain malfunction.

A = Affection: Gojo is real affectionate towards his partner, he likes to show you how much you mean to him everyday. He's big on pda and I think a lot of physical contact is how he shows his affection like holding hands or cuddling.

B = Best friend: very loud, bubbly annoyingly cute. As a best friend he would walk to class with you, hold your bags if he saw you struggling, talk your head off, pay for meals, movies, games and just be a fun soul.

C = Cuddles: Y E S. he would be a switch he doesn't care who's the big spoon as long as you're in each others arms one way or another. With your head laying on his chest or his head laying on yours.

D = Domestic: I think you can domesticate a Gojo, he would be an incredible partner, funny, strong, caring, handsome, athletic... you just gotta keep your self esteem up others will look but he will only have eyes for you.

E = Ending: If he needed to end things with you, it was probably due to being a shaman, life isn't Gucci and he doesn't want anything to happen to you. If you ended things with him for not spending enough time with you (because let's be honest... why would you end it with him?) then he would formally apologize and try to do better if that's all it is.

F = Fiance(e): I don't feel like he would rush into marrying someone quickly, but he wouldn't hesitate to lock it down either.

G = Gentle: he is SO gentle he would be the softest person ever with you.

H = Hugs: everyday fam you getting hugs from him everyday 🥰 he will wrap you into his arms tightly like it's the first time he's seen you in forever, resting his chin on the top of your head or shoulders breathing you in.

I = I love you: he's probably loved you before you officially dated, but for the sake of formality I'd think a month or 2.

J = Jealousy: on a scale of 1-10 I rate his jealousy at 8.5 Just because I know he would get upset and act very childish/immature towards the other person. I didn't give him a 10 because I don't see him taking his post anger out on you immaturely like some guys would and I find that important.

K = Kisses: they would be soft yet demanding almost. He loves to kiss your nose before or after locking lips with you. He loves when you kiss his neck up to his ear, or his forehead it leaves him a blushing mess.

L = Little ones: parental Gojo seems like the fun uncle.

M = Morning: mornings are spent in bed, snuggled up with coffee and muffins. Enjoying each others space and tranquility before the day really started.

N = Night: a night in might be spent playing board games, or video games on the switch like Mario cart, eating junk food.
A night out is a flashy with him out on the town, dinner, high end bars, (if you like to drink)

O = Open: I think certain things would reveal itself to you by chance(accident) but after a couple of months with consistent dating he would open up to you about his life. I think it will all spill out at once, like drunk confessions.

P = Patience: I can see him getting frustrated from time to time but never angry. He would take a deep breath before approaching the situation more level headed.

Q = Quizzes: he would remember anniversaries and birthdays with an assistant reminder. He knows your coffee order at the cafe, or other small treats also favorite flowers he seems like the bf to get you flowers on a Tuesday.

R = Remember: he will always remember the first time you told him that you loved him and truly, deeply meant it. He cherishes the look in your eyes at that moment. If you ever fall out of love with him before speaking up, he will know.

S = Security: he will go cray if someone touches his bae feral Gojo is something else

T = Try: y'all see those hotels with the rose petals leading from the door to the bed? That's him. this boy will put 1,000% effort into dates, gifts, dropping off coffee to you if he's around really doing the most with little things that will make you smile. Randomly surprising you with lunch, sending flowers just genuinely always expressing how much you mean to him.

U = Ugly: annoying, clingy, jealous mf

V = Vanity: I have a 12 step skin care routine rn and I think he might have 50 steps on his lips alone.

W = Whole: if you both took time separated for any reason he wouldn't feel complete without you.... And I think he'd make sure you knew it by sending you messages constantly or calling etc depending on the situation.

X = Xtra: I raise the romance an xtra mile with him and say he genuinely enjoys feeding you. Like holding your chopsticks adoring you lovingly and feeding you a few bites of dessert or something. You're perfect in his eyes.

Y = Yuck: you had to teach him how to wash his ass cus he thought running water through it was good enough before y'all met.

Z = Zzz: he's a sleepy boy no doubt. Exercising curses and spoiling you is exhausting.

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