Chrollo lucilfer; phantom of the opera

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A/n✨ Chrollo Lucilfer x reader 🌧⛅️🍄
Chrollo is a little subby and yandere

TW⚠️ mentions of kidnapping, Stockholm and forced fingering

The sun had set and risen for the third day now, at least he let you have some light. You woke up feeling less confined than what you've become shortly accustomed too. When you leaned up in bed, it wasn't long before you realized he had taken off your ankle shackles sometime during the night so you weren't confined to just the bed. The ones that are around your wrist were another story, it was rigged to where you could move around most of the room, but at night he made sure you stayed put. He must've removed them while you were asleep but you couldn't figure out when or why.
You got up and walked around the bed doing stretches, hoping the movement will tell him you're awake. He wouldn't hear you since he kept you locked behind a steel door, but there was a camera pointed towards the bed. It was hours before he returned you began to worry, had he kidnapped you and left you here to die? What was the point in all this? One minute you were linking up with a 10 and the next you're in his sex chambers? Granted he hasn't forced himself on you, it's as if he's waiting for something. You were stuck in the middle of nowhere, unsure if anyone even knew you were missing. You're a naturally distant, closed off person and worked from home. Honestly if he played his cards right, no one will suspect anything for months.

✨Flashback incoming

You met chrollo 4 nights ago now, you were sitting at the bar outside of a musical theater waiting for the show to start wearing a stunning gown with a high slit exposing your upper thighs. You take a sip of your drink before turning to face the scene and scope out everyone when your eyes caught a particularly beautiful man, he had a soft face, with raven hair that hung above his shoulders, large blue earrings, in a tux with a bandage wrap over his forehead. You curiously wondered what that was about.
He was talking to someone when he noticed you checking him out. You looked away quickly slightly embarrassed but shortly afterwards he excused himself from his friend and walked towards you. Your hand stiffened around the stem of your glass wondering if he was coming to you or the bar. You turned slightly away hoping it was the latter.
"No one told me there would be a an actual goddess at the event this evening" he says signaling for the bartender next to you.
"I don't know about a goddess... but thank you either way" you smile feeling your ears burn slightly your legs shift from the attention and he notices your body language change.
"Can I at least know who you are? I don't catch a woman like you at these sort of events often." He asks
You chuckle lightly "Of course, im y/n" you smile holding out your hand
"Y/n, huh? That's a beautiful name. I go by Chrollo, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, y/n" He responds while taking your hand into his he pecks a small feverish kiss on top of your hand not taking his eyes off you.
"If I'm at liberty to be so bold and ask, where are you sitting this evening? Would you like to accompany me in my suite? A lady like you shouldn't even consider sitting among the swarm of these average people." He requested.
Wow a suite, you've never been able to experience such seats, you couldn't turn down an opportunity like this a great view and show you thought.
✨end of flashback

You're startled from your thoughts after hearing the locking mechanism chambers opening up on the other side of the door. He kept you behind a door with a passcode and 3 different locks.... like you were his most prized possession.
You were sitting on the floor next to the bed when he walked in, he was carrying a food tray that he set down on the table. When you stood up he approached you
"I'm sorry for being late, I don't like for you to wake up without me here, but i figured I'd release your ankles when I left this morning in case I returned late.... Please forgive me.." He grabs your hands and places a bunch of soft kisses along each finger slowly
"It's ok.... just please stop" you whine gently. You knew once he started showing you any affection he might not be able to control of himself again. You've found out he keeps himself reserved most of the time but there was something dark inside of him. Something inside that lusted over you deeply that you tried not reveal or disturb. He stares blankly into your e/c eyes seemingly upset by your words but he stopped kissing at your request and continued to hold on to your hands. He moves one of his hands into his pocket for his keys and removes your shackles so you can eat. He always leaves the door open, you don't try to run anymore, there's nothing and nobody for miles except the Sahara desert. It was so hot and dry out there you'd be dead within a days time.
"I hope I made everything how you like it." He turns around going for the tray. You both sat and ate silently together, you didn't want to admit it out loud but the food was incredible today. The flavors danced on your tastebuds with each bite, everything was cooked perfect and served at the perfect temperature. This was an outstanding improvement from just 3 days ago.
"Did you steal the nen of a chef?" You asked sarcastically after taking the last bite of your plate that you emptied, you've never in your life cleaned a whole plate like that before.
"Would you be upset if I told you yes?" He asked glaring up at you from his plate.
You scoffed rolling your eyes "well I can't be too mad since this is the first meal I've been able to eat since you kidnapped me... I thought I was going to starve to death before I figured out what you wanted out of me." You state crossing your arms across your chest leaning back into the chair comfortably.
He lifts an eyebrow in question "what do you mean y/n? This is what I want from you"
You stared at him blankly for a moment before responding
"huh? You kidnapped me cus you wanted to just.... Keep me here? That's it??" You exclaimed upset.
"Well no, but I'm sure over time you'll learn to love me back and we can go from there" he starts spewing this nonsense almost poetically as if he practiced his speech before you.
"What? That's not how love works chrollo" you try to tell him calmly though obviously you're getting frustrated "if you're waiting around for me to just throw myself at you then you're dreaming." You scoffed out. There was a awkward moment of silence before he responded
"That's not what you were saying a couple of nights ago when we met" he whispered underneath his breath behind cold empty eyes he had a dark smile to match.

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