Yoshioka; the bodyguard

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A/n✨ Yoshioka x heiress reader ⛅️🌧
I will never forgive the animators for not putting my boy on the screen.

Tw ⚠️ mentions of blood, kidnapping and death.

Everything was a lie.
Your family didn't make their fortune through hard work, dedication and investing. In fact, the only hard work they ever did was hustle and extort labor from the right people, but today they figured out it was the wrong people. Your parents let you sleep in on the weekend without bothering you but you were suddenly startled awake from a loud explosion in your house followed by your bed shaking intensely.
"Hmmm, huh?" You lean up in bed rubbing your eyes sleepily, you heard people shouting and footsteps approaching your door, without a knock someone barges in
"Miss, L/n we're under attack I need you to hide until I've eliminated the threat" Yoshioka says quickly while shutting the door behind him. He is your personal bodyguard and right hand; you don't go anywhere without him nearby.
"Hmmm? Yoshi what's going on? Where are my parents?" You ask beginning to move from the bed but apparently not quick enough as Yoshi walked towards you wrapping your blanket and his arm around you he led you towards your closet
"I don't have time to explain right now miss, just stay in there and keep quiet until I come back and get you." He says lightly patting the top of your head he saw the concern in your eyes
"Do not worry, I will be ok and I will come back for you I promise" he says with an eye closed smile
"Ok, just be careful" you whispered pouting, you both hear multiple footsteps running in the hallways Yoshi raised his hand in a shushing motion before closing the door and leaving the bedroom.
You hear multiple gunshots, yelling, and bodies slamming against the wall or falling to the ground for 10 minutes before everything fell silent. You continued to hold still hoping Yoshi would return to you but shortly after the silence fell, you heard the house fire alarm start and the rooms slowly began to fill up with smoke, you coughed lightly thinking i can't stay here, something must've happened to all the body guards and your parents. You wrapped your blanket tightly around you and left the closet running down the halls, you made your way past your parents room and saw blood splattered across the wall and noticed  2 bodies that you assumed were your parents. Too distraught and traumatized from what you saw you slowly back away and make your way downstairs towards the kitchen to the back door when you heard voices that caught you up.
"Tell me where is the young princess?" A man spoke sternly you've never heard that voice before he was a stranger to you.
"I've told you, she isn't here" coughed A familiar voice. Yoshi you thought happily for a short second before you realized he doesn't sound too good, who are these people and what do they want with me. I have to get out of here because that's what yoshi would want but when you tried to move your legs to leave they wouldn't move. You suddenly hear Yoshi yelp out in pain before falling to the ground
"My patience is wearing thin with you people. This family has killed my entire bloodline I will have my revenge. Tell me where the girl is and I might spare you." The man spoke angrily your hands gripped into a fist as your whole body was shaking with anger, you can have your revenge you thought.... But you will not hurt Yoshi who has done nothing but serve on you hand and feet not only as your bodyguard but he would cook, clean, drive, sew and protect. Your parents put him through strenuous training before he could become your personal bodyguard and he has been by your side for 6 years now faithfully since you were 15 you never thought for a second you'd go without him.
You walk closer to the voices and you're completely caught off guard as you approach a large man standing in front of Yoshi fallen body, there was a small puddle of blood around his head as he laid there face down you raised your hand over your mouth as you gasped thinking he was dead.
"Huh did you black out already? Maybe if I take the other one it'll wake you up" the stranger says leaning down reaching for Yoshi's hair. He must be still alive you ran in front of Yoshi smacking the strangers hand away before he could reach him.
"ENOUGH!!" You shout face to face with your attacker teary eyed
"Well well well, look who decided to grace us with her presence" he smirked
"Who are you? And what do you want?" You ask pulling out a knife and pointing it towards him. He raises his hands sarcastically pretending to be defeated
"Oooooo I'm so scared" he responds rolling his rolling his eyes "I'm sad you don't know who I am, especially since my family paid the price for you to live so lavishly."
"Look man I don't know what my family has done to you, but leave him out of this" you stumble over your words looking him up and down slightly frightened by the mans stature
"Don't be scared little lamb" he says teasingly
"I'm not scared" you say back quickly
"If you're not scared then why are your legs shaking?" He points down wanting you to break eye contact you briefly peak at your legs that were betraying your courage in front of the enemy.
"I'm not going to kill you right away, my men and I will make good use of you until we can break your spirit then you will be begging to die."
"Over my dead body" you say lunging forward towards your attacker you swing your hunter knife around like a mad woman deep down you knew you weren't strong enough to defeat him but you'd rather die fighting today than to be used by them. You managed to cut his arm and the side of his chest before he was able to subdue the blade from you
"Will you fucking stop that actually kinda hurt." He says while holding your blade in his bare hand he snatches it from you and you pull out your gun with your other hand
"Then I hope this does too." You pull the trigger and shoot two bullets into his chest as he's rushing towards you, he backhands you across the face knocking you a couple feet away across the room. The gun slips out of your hand as you land on the ground without your blanket covering you, you only wore a nightgown as you laid there almost lifeless from that hit.
"Don't make me regret my decision I will just kill you here and now" he says walking towards you, you can hear his footsteps approaching as you groaned out
"Then just fucking do it." You spat out still unable to move your body after that hit.
You didn't realize it at that moment but Yoshi shot up when he heard your voice scream out in despair hearing you in pain set his heart ablaze.
"Heh and let you off that easily? No you're going to suffer like my family had too." The stranger stops short of your body when you hear the noise of a blade being unsheathed before a loud thud of something heavy hitting the floor, it bounced a time or two before rolling closer to you. Then you heard another loud thud crashing to the ground
"You are never to lay a hand on miss y/n again." You hear Yoshi speak as you barely look over and saw it was the head of your enemy rolling towards you and you glance up and barely see Yoshi through your blurred vision
"Miss y/n... miss" you see him run towards you and you weren't sure if it was your imagination but blood was pouring down his face he was missing an eye? You thought before blacking out.
When you began coming too you hear a familiar voice in the distance
"No I can't leave her side, I will be here until she wakes and we don't need another nurse check just let her rest." He spoke sternly
"Yoshi?" You whisper lightly unaware if he even heard your soft voice since you barely heard yourself.
"Hey there - you gave me quite a scare Miss. y/n how are you feeling?"
"Ugh my head hurts" you murmur slowly opening your eyes you slowly bring your hand to the side of your head that was struck, your face was wrapped in gauze and your throat felt extremely parched as Yoshi approached you with a glass of water you notice the eye patch covering his eye. Ah so it wasn't my imagination you thought, he did lose an eye.
"Oh Yoshioka!" You exclaim tossing the blanket off you raising your arms to wrap around him, he grunts out from the suddenness of you throwing your weight on to him.
"I'm so glad you're ok I thought I'd lost you too" you whisper lightly playing with his hair that he had pulled back into a ponytail.
"That reminds me, what the hell were you thinking coming back for me?" He spoke attempting to be stern
"The house was on fire! You should have left. I would have failed if anything happened to you. Hell I already feel like I've let you down" he expressed disappointedly touching the injured side of your face.
"And I would've failed at everything in life if anything happened to you. Yoshi.... I can't live without you, you've always taken care of me and done what's best for me. A life without you is something I won't live. So saving you was saving me, we both win." You tell him pulling your head back looking into his eye.
"Let's gather my fathers assets and go far, far away from here, please.. I don't need the money, you can have it I just need you.." you cry into his shoulder
"There, there miss... I've given my old life and identity for you. I will go with you wherever and promise to keep you safe no matter what." He smiles at you resting his hand along your cheek and chin area.
"Now let me prepare your lunch and then we can get out of here" he suggested after looking at the time.
"Mhmmm" You grin largely nodding your head

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