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   I wake up to the smell of breakfast. I fix up my hair a bit and put on my glasses before I head to the kitchen. I smile as Hermione is cooking and Ron is hugging her from behind. I decide to be childish. "Gag!" I yell. They both jump and Hermione smirks at me. She throws a spatula at me. I laugh after it bonks me on the head and I sit down at the table. When we three are alone together, it reminds me of when were at Hogwarts, and not when we were on missions that could end our lives, but the rare moments when we were friends, who were not worrying about the end of the wizarding world.

   Ron gives me a sad smile and sits down next to me. "Harry, I'm sorry about Ginny. If I had known I-" I stop him. He is not at fault for what Ginny does with her life. He has always been protective of her, but he was never truly close enough with her to realize what she has been doing for some time now behind my back. "Ron, I'm over it. If I'm honest, it's a relief." He quirks an eyebrow as Hermione leaves our breakfast in front of us. "I haven't been happy. I don't think I've ever been happy with her. I got with her to give her a chance and I thought I'd fall in love. But I never did I guess." His face gets confused and Hermione sits down. "Harry gave her a chance, Ron. She's always been up his arse. He just stayed with her. Then she cheats on him with Dean of all people. If anything, it makes his life easier. And it's a good thing that they didn't have kids yet, or this would be even messier." Ron is still confused and she puts a hand on top of his. "I'll explain it later." He nods and we eat in silence. I felt a twinge of pain in my heart at the mention of kids. I've always wanted to be a father, but it didn't feel like the right time, no matter how much Ginny tried to pressure me into it. I'm glad that he didn't pick up on the "I'm not in love with her" part, since I'm sure he would have misunderstood and would have gone bloody bonkers on me.

   They soon leave for their jobs and I just cleaned off the dishes. It was the least I can do. I look at the bookshelf in the living room and see that there is a block book pulled out more than the rest. I open the book and a chain with a large pendant falls out. It looks like a time-turner, but instead of an hourglass, it was a pocket watch with a thick chain. I look at the detailed front and it has a dragon and what seems to be a phoenix encrusted into the design, I open the cover, and the face has the exact time, date, and year ticking away, pieces of sand falling from the hands as soon as I open it. I read the first paragraph of the page it came out of.

   "A modified Time Turner. Instead of you and your past self being in one place, you are the only version of yourself there. You take the age of the time you were but still hold all of your current knowledge. A person can only use this once, and cannot change their course again. Turn back the time down to the second of the event, press the button down and you must live through life with either the same things you did or change them. If anything gets too out of hand, time will be drastically changed.

Side effects:

possible too much memory


complicated desires"

   I look at the book, curious. Maybe Hermione left it for me. My life changed the day I went to Hogwarts. Maybe my life would be different if I change that day. Hermione is a very bright one, and if she planted this for me, she did it without Ron's knowledge since he would be against it, but would eventually cave in. He always does for her. He is stubborn, but not more stubborn than Hermione Weasley.

   I decide to go back to the day and rough time of the sorting hat event. My life is already as bad as it can get, what would happen if I were to be in Slytherin? Maybe defeating Voldemort before he kills anyone that I love besides my parents. If I could save them, I would. But I was just an infant at the time, useless and with barely any words that can help them that can leave my mouth. But maybe if Draco and I were friends would change much on its own. I suppose I will find out.

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