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"Harry! Save me!" "Harry!" "Save us!"

I watch as everyone who has died before my eyes or has died because of me reach their hands out for me as they get consumed by green fire. My parents call out to me before they are consumed by the flames. Then they are followed by Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore. Hedwig's wings are covered in flames before she turns to ashes. Then Fred, Dobby, Remus, Tonks, even Snape. They would then keep dying over and over again. Until they all reach for me.

Everyone says things about how they blame me for their deaths. How they will never see certain people again.

My parents just blame me for their young lives to end so early. Cedric blames me for leaving behind his father. Sirius blames me for his short lived freedom. Dumbledore says I shouldn't have been born.

Fred blames me for never seeing his family, or his twin brother again. Dobby blames me as well for his short time as a free elf. Remus and Tonks blame me for making them leave behind their child. And Snape blames me for being too weak.

I reach my hand out and as soon as I touch them, my hand is engulfed in green flames. They all claw at my skin until blood seeps out, and then I am completely engulfed in flames, as I watch their flesh melt from their bones.

Soon enough, all that's left is a bunch of ash and goop, the flame still burning my skin. I look up and I see Voldemort standing in front of me.

"I will kill you. I will kill everyone you love. I will kill anyone, muggle, wizard, or pure blood who will stand by your side."

He then shouts "Avada Kedavra!"

I shoot up from the bed, drenched in sweat. My clothes are sticking to me and the bit of hair I had left on my nape is as well. I reach for my glasses and look at my surroundings. I am in my dorm, in the Slytherin dorm. Hedwig is asleep and Draco's small snores can be heard from here.

So I'm safe.


As safe as one can be with your enemy who has wanted to kill you since you were born in the form as a parasite on a professors head at the school you go to.

I get up out of bed, my body aching from my muscles all tensing too hard from my nightmare. I look at the digital clock and it's currently 5:30. I decide to take a shower to get rid of the sweat and this bloody headache.

I turn the water on and place my underwear on the counter. I take my glasses off and take all of my items into my shower.

I make sure to deeply shampoo my scalp and throughly condition the rest of my hair, which won't take so much now. I make sure to thoroughly wash myself. I then sit down on the threshold and soak up the water as it hits my back.

After awhile, I get out and put my boxers on. I dry my arms and legs before putting the fluffy gray towel around my neck for my hair to dry on. I put my glasses on after wiping off the steam from the lenses.

I stare at the mirror for a bit, looking at any scars and wounds that catch my eye. It's ridiculous how someone could hurt a kid like this out of jealousy.

I start to put on my white button up shirt. I realize it's large due to my body being slightly malnourished. I groan and button up the shirt that goes down to right above my knees. I bend down to slip my slacks on and I feel eyes on me. Once I button them I grab a pair of socks from my drawer. I'm glad I have the short ones cuz as an adult, I hate the crew ones. I slip on my socks and shoes and stand up.

"Morning, Draco." I say without looking at him. "Why are you up and ready at 6:13?" I look to the clock and it seems I've been in the shower for over 40 minutes. At the Dursley's I could only be in the shower for 5 minutes or they'd turn the water cold. I guess when I was free from them as an adult I took longer and enjoyed them more.

"I've been awake since 5:30. I have sleeping issues so I either wake up too early, sleep too late, or even both on a bad day." I look up to him and it seems he can relate. "Do you want me to wait for you so we can grab breakfast?" He nods and I lay on my bed.

I use my wand to turn on the light and I decide to get a good look around the room.

The walls are matte black, there is warm, black carpet instead of cold wood. The beds are true silver wood with dark green bed sets. They are even softer than the Gryffindor, even though the beds look the same. Their are curtains pinned back, so if I wanted privacy I could have it, but since I am only sharing with Draco, I shouldn't be too worried.

The nightstand next to my bed is wood, painted dark green, the handle and built in organizer are silver. My wardrobe is black and there is actually a desk before the double doors on each side of the room. They are both dark wood, almost black. I go to mine and there is pencils, quills and even pens lined up perfectly with a few stacks of parchment nearby.

I look over to my sheets and I realize I need to change them. I decide to be lazy and use my wand to make the sheets go into the hamper in the corner of the room and use the ones that are folded neatly at the foot of my bed on top of my trunk, which seems to be the only non green, black or silver item in the room. I don't mind and I notice that Draco's is black, which is to be expected.

Draco leaves the bathroom with just his slacks on. It's crazy seeing young Draco Malfoy. He is my height now but he will be 4 inches, more or less, taller than me. My mind is all weird, my pubescent mind is trying to make me take a better look at Draco, which my adult one won't. I seriously don't miss the raging hormones.

I then remember all the situations my stupid hormones had lead me to. Ginny and I kissing and then not taking it further due to not wanting her to get killed by Voldemort, Cho and I snogging, but it was weird since at one point, we both loved Cedric. I shake my head and forget those memories.

They were happy but so painful for me in the end.

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