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We left to the Great Hall to have dinner. I didn't want to eat at all but my body is still weak from eating little to nothing at the Dursley's for 11 years.

I sit down at the table and then I see a flash of yellow in front of me. I look up and see the boy who haunts my dreams.

"Can we talk?" He asks. I nod but Draco stops me from getting up. "Harry, you need to eat first. You are going to get sick if you don't." Draco then turned to the dirty blonde. "Let Harry eat first and once he eats, he'll meet you wherever."

Cedric nods and I want to stop him so badly but I don't want to cause a scene. Crabbe and Goyle are making sure my plate is more than full before placing it in front of me with random items.

"Eat, Harry. How do you think I'll look if I let my roommate become malnourished?" Draco isn't looking at me but is smirking. I smile a bit, knowing this is how Draco is showing he cares without actually showing.

I ate just enough and Draco let me go. I head straight to the Hufflepuff table. "I'm ready to talk now." Cedric nods and follows me.

My heart pounds as I take Cedric to The Room of Requirement, but instead of a room hoarding anything that could be hoarded, a room with two chairs and a table appear. Cedric is confused and I notice the familiar, cute crease in his eyebrows.

"This is the Room of Requirement. We needed a place to talk and it gave us a place to talk. Sit and we'll start talking." I am trying my best to come up with an explanation as we go silent.

After a while, Cedric speaks up. "What happened to your face and your hair?" I immediately grow insecure and I try to cover up my eye. "I know, it's ugly right?" Please, don't think I'm ugly. Cedric smiles and moves my hand. "No, it's beautiful." He has a small smile and he keeps his warm hand on mine, warmer and more real than in my dreams, until he realizes and releases my hand.

His hands still feel the same. Slightly calloused but gentle. "Anyways, I heard you were screaming my name. Before today we have never spoken. I mean I know who you are but I'm sure you don't know me-" I cut him "Of course I do... know you... um Ronald Weasley told me how his dad works with yours. That's how I know you." I want to slap myself for being an idiot.

"Why were you screaming my name?" I blush intently and he does as well at the accidental innuendo. "I-I mean-" his face is now flushed and I laugh bit "I know." He then laughs too and the dreams did not do justice to his melodic laughter, yet now it's even more bitter than sweet. It's not the same since he is 14, so he hasn't got his deep voice yet, but he's almost there. "I was screaming your name because I knew another Cedric. He... died and I still have nightmares about it."

Cedric sucks in a breath and rubs his eyes. "I'm so sorry Harry... I had no idea. I shouldn't have assumed you were dreaming about me. My name isn't common so I thought..." I smile at him, hopefully my sadness masked. "It's alright. I'd want to know if someone were having dreams about me that were that bad."

After awhile we are silent and then I cut it. "It's probably almost curfew. We should leave so we don't get detention." Cedric nods and we leave the room of requirement. We say awkward goodbyes and I head straight to the Slytherin dormitories.

"Good night, Harry." Draco says after we have finished changing and brushing our teeth. "Good night, also... thank you for all your help." He gives me a smirk. "Anything for a fellow, brilliant Slytherin." He gives me a smile and he falls asleep. I wave my wand to cast the night sky illusion and I shut my curtains so the brightness won't disturb Draco's sleep.

I take a small bit of the potion and it doesn't kick in. Instead of being bored, I take a memory from my head and throw it towards the roof of my bed. I put a silencing charm on my bed and music from my old future plays.

Some Green Day, Linkin Park, MCR, and the Gorillaz play softly, along with some Michael Jackson and The Beatles. They would wake anyone up but they made me calm and comfortable at the right moments.

After about 20 minutes, I slowly start to feel drowsy and I welcome the darkness and hope for a peaceful sleep.

10 hours later

I stretch out my limbs and yawn the biggest yawn ever. I turn to the side and see Draco almost finished getting dressed. "You should get ready or we'll miss breakfast." He says while fixing his tie.

I nod and lazily Accio my clothes for the day over as I get up from the bed. I quickly change and run to the restroom to brush my teeth and attempt to tame my hair.

One damn piece sticks up almost always but I have to deal with it. I quickly finish and grab my satchel before meeting Draco at the door.

This is technically our second day of classes but it's the fourth day of school. Draco may be a bit behind but I'll help him with his homework since everything is slightly easier for me, that's if he asks.

Today went alright and Draco seemed to be alright considering having missed a bunch of classes in the past two days. At least he appeared to be doing alright.

Whenever I was in Professor Quirell's class, I made sure Draco and I had the desk closest to the door so we could leave quickly.

I am trying to decide if I should go ahead and get rid of him or try to get at many hocruxes as possible first. He is weak now but it may be better to fully get rid of him when he has a physical body. I should talk to Dumbledore first so I don't make any sort of mistake.

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