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One month into school

I have been thinking hard about what to do, and I think I should follow along with Voldemort's plan, but do it alone. I will seek guidance when needed but participate in the danger alone.

As he comes back each year, I will be collecting the horcruxes. The ones like the locket, the diary, and the ring obviously are the easiest to obtain.

I shall wait until the Triwizard cup to kill him without suspicion. I shall collect all of them and right before the duel, they will all be destroyed. He will be weakened, and he will kill me, but when I come back, I will kill him and have a hidden advantage under my sleeve that neither
the professors nor Voldemort will know about.

So far, everything seems the same as before. I got into quidditch as the seeker for Slytherin. I'll try to teach my teammates to play fair and I have a plan for that. And instead of Draco stealing Neville's ball, it was Theodore Nott. He wasn't as good of a flyer as Draco so he actually fell off his broom which knocked him down a few pegs.

As of now, it is Saturday and we had finished classes. Draco and I are studying in the common room. There are a few students here and they're either studying or chatting.

I look up at him and he seems to be very stuck on a question. "Do you need help?" I asked. He looks up at me. "I don't need help, Harry. I'm a Malfoy, this stuff is easy. If I can't figure it out anyways I'll make sure to take a Ravenclaw's answers." He would have asked me but I would rather he learn it properly and only give him the answer if he can't get it, which he figured out the hard way.

I rolled my eyes. "If you want to be head boy, you can't cheat. Wouldn't you rather have fully earned it?" Draco's smirk dropped and he was in deep thought.

He put his quill down and put his head in his hands. He then silently nods and I smile in victory. Without looking at me he says "Wipe that dumb smile off your face, four eyes." I laugh and I scoot closer to him on the leather couch.

He automatically sits up straighter. I look at his paper and I notice his hand writing is very elegant and readable. Mine is still messy and looking at his beautiful calligraphy makes me insecure in my own.

I look and see he is stuck on the polyjuice question. It is pretty hard and only a few people actually got the answer from reading the text books ahead. Snape actually messed up the assigned reading and when I told him in my first life I got detention. So I will let him know this time but say it differently and hope I don't get in trouble.

"Let's see, you have the lacewing flies, bicorn horn, knot grass, flux weed and the hair of the person you will impersonate. I think you're only missing the leeches." I don't know how but I can recall it perfectly by memory.

Draco then smacks his forehead. "Damned leeches! I always forget the leeches." I chuckle and I can't blame him. If you have to drink this potion, you would want to forget the creepy crawlies that are in it's contents.

We spent the next hour doing the same, helping each other out, mostly me helping him and I only needed his help in arithmacy since I still dread it to this day. I didn't even use it once when I became an auror.

We both sigh as we slam our textbooks shut. We are finally done so we head to our dorm. Dinner is in two hours so we have to find something to do.

We enter our room and I soon change into more comfortable clothes. A long sleeve shirt to cover my wounds that are still healing and some shorts. It is September but it is a bit warm.

Draco puts on a black tshirt and some black sleep pants. They aren't satin or silk so I assume he only wears those to sleep and this to lounge.

I know Malfoy's hate muggle clothing but I'll show him the wondrous world of comfy clothes one of these days. Not that he can't pull off a suit, which he can.

I look over at him and see the fading yellow mark on his upper arm, almost hidden by his sleeve.

I walk over to him and pull it up. He freezes in shock, unsure of what to do. I remember he told me that his father would threaten to disown him or kill him if he told a soul in our first life. I know I forgot some things but I'm glad I remember those moments so I wouldn't have to get him to tell me what happened and when he acts like a git (it still happens sometimes believe me) I'll be more understanding about it.

I just pull him to me and hug him. I place my arms around his neck and hold him tight. I start to feel sobs into my shirt and his arms encircle my waist. He holds me like he has never received a hug before. I mean, as a child I never did either until I went to Hogwarts.

"The only good thing about this bloody school is I'm away from him. But when I go home this winter..." I pull him back and hold his forearms. "He won't hurt you. I'll do what I can to prevent it. Even if it means I have to come with you I will." Draco looks at me as if I lost my bloody mind.

"Have you lost your bloody mind?! My father is an ex death eater and you are the Dark Lord's archenemy!" I chuckle and let go of his arms. His face showed a sign of not wanting me to let go so I grabbed one of his hands and intwined it in mine. I give him a smile. I know his father is still with Voldemort but only out of fear. Maybe I can change the path of the entire Malfoy family. "If he tries to deny, just say that it's better to keep your enemies closer if that's what he's worried about. And if he asks why, just say I need to get away from the Dursley's." He still looks unconvinced and another idea pops into my head.

"For the winter break, let's stay here. You'd be allowed to and if he asks just say you are getting closer to me or you are doing a special program to further your studies. During the summer I'll go with you like I said earlier and you'd be able to sway him better since we would have spent more time together by then."

He nods and I don't think this could go wrong. I could be used as a charity case to boost his image and give him more power within the ministry. He will also be shown as to not be on the same side as Voldemort.

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