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I feel a tug on my heart. "I've never met a house elf." I say. The last two words makes my throat close up, so it came out tight and cracked.

Draco doesn't notice and walks to his wardrobe to get his pajamas. "Of course not, you were raised as a muggle. House elves are passed down through pure blood families. We don't really know how long they live for." I raise a brow.

"So they are like slaves?" This doesn't sound like it's going to end well.

"No. They are born into the family as servants. We feed them, give them shelter. In return, they are loyal." I cross my arms. "Can they leave whenever they want?" Draco turns around after changing. "No. They can only be freed if their master gives them an article of clothing. We typically don't free them as they are very important to the family."

I feel anger. Not at Draco. Just the reminders of how I was treated like a house elf back at the Dursley's. I got clothes still but I was treated like dirt, and if I didn't have Hogwarts, I wouldn't be able to escape until I was 18.

"You know that sounds like what my muggle family did to me right?" He stops in his tracks while he was walking to the bathroom. He turns around and sighs.

He sits on the bed and it's my turn to stand up and change.

I walk to my dresser and change from my robes into a shirt and shorts as I talk.

"They took me in when my parents died. So, once I was old enough to walk and talk, I was forced into a cupboard under the stairs with a lock on the outside. I was forced to cook, clean and take the abuse given to me. If I so much as shed a tear, they would tell me how I wouldn't be alive if they hadn't taken me in. I was expected to be the quiet, charity case that did everything silently and diligently. I'm only 11 and I'm sure I can clean this whole castle without issue." Draco only sighs when I walk into the bathroom and come back while brushing my teeth at the door.

"I never thought about it that way, my father-" I quickly go spit out the foam and use mouth wash before coming back into the room. "Forget anything your father has ever told you. If you think something, and it sounds like something your father has taught you, forget about it!"

He only nods and I slide into bed. They lights are quickly shut off and I can't help the memories from attacking me.

I keep my cries silent and I feel the urge to talk to someone. I don't know why him, but I feel like I can trust him.

I quietly leave my bed, hot tears still rolling down my face as I put my glasses on and grab my wand to use Lumos once I leave the room.

I am openly sobbing once I leave the dungeons and I go through the castle, portraits looking at me with either worry or annoyance, until I reach his office.

I knock softly and the door opens swiftly.

"What is it, Potter? You know there is dire consequences to your actions?" A sob racks through me again and I throw myself into Snape's robe.

He is still and unsure of what to do. He just puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into the room and shuts the door.

He places me in a chair in front of his desk and instead of sitting at the desk, he sits in the chair next to me.

"Why are you here in such a mess, Potter?" He says. His voice is cold, but his eyes show worry. When I open my eyes, his facade falls and his stone cold look is now saddened.

"I-I need someone to talk to. Before it consumes me alive..." he places one knee over the other, waiting for me. "I-I was raped by Ve-..." was all I could muster out before more sobs and tears escaped me. He quickly stands up and says. "May I go get Professor McGonagall? She is more... equipped to handle these things." I only nod and he quickly leaves. I hug myself in my chair to remind myself I wasn't there with him but I'm here, a whole magical universe away from him.

Soon, Snape returns with McGonagall and she is by my side in an instant. "Harry, who did it?" She asks quietly. I shake my head, unable to say his name. As if it's a forbidden curse.

"It was his Uncle." Is all Snape says. I grip my arms to force myself to stop crying but it doesn't work.

McGonagall is silent for a moment before she envelopes me in a hug.

"You poor boy! We will be sure actions are taken so he never sees the light of day again!" I only nod as I cry into her chest.

I don't know how Snape knew, but he knew, and I have a feeling he's knew for awhile. I'm just glad he didn't take action until I mentioned it.

"I told Albus you did not need to go to those damned muggles! Not because they are muggles, but they are the most awful beings! I can't even imagine what would have happened if you never came to Hogwarts. Your true home."

She looks to Snape and back down at me. "During the summer, you can stay in the castle under our guardianship." I only nod.

"Would I be able to go to the Malfoy manor for a bit?" She looks at Snape, who is also dumbfounded.

"Why would you want to go there?" Snape asks.

"Because Draco said I could. He doesn't like being the only kid home at all, and would have like to have me over this summer."

McGonagall sighs. "How about we offer Draco to stay here for a month and a half. The rest of the summer will be at the Malfoy manor. But! You must contact us at least once a week. I'm sure you are aware of the rumors by now..." I nod.

"Yes I am." She pulls back and smiles at me. "And we can do some extra credit this summer. There are some things I want to teach you, and I'm sure Snape wants to as well." I look over at him and he smirks.

"Expect potions and essays, Potter."

That makes me smile and tears stop rolling down my face. "Now, let's get you back to bed. I will alert the proper authorities, and write a letter to Malfoy Manor, offering a camp of some sorts, for high ranking students to further their studies for extra house points, and extra points going through the school year. I'm sure they would not refuse such." She nods to Snape to lead me back to my dorm.

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