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Draco and I walked to the Great Hall. There was toast, eggs, and various drinks for breakfast as well as bacon. I had a small appetite so I settled on a corner of toast, a spoonful of scrambled eggs, and a small piece of bacon. I forgot how the food at Hogwarts was always so good, but not good enough to increase my appetite when something was weighing on my mind or my shoulders. I was almost finished until someone plopped more eggs, another slice of bacon, and the other slice of toast. I look up and Draco put it on my plate.

"I'm not that hungry. I have to go see Dumbledore anyways." He rolled his eyes. And grabbed my hand to shove my fork back into the pile of eggs. "If he actually cares about you, he would rather you not starve. You are emaciated enough as it is. You need more bloody meat on your precious chosen one bones." I roll my eyes with a small smile and relent. I was wondering if I should be offended by the chosen one part but the smirk on his face showed me he said it with good intentions in a joking manner. My stomach happily accepted the much-needed nutrients and after downing my glass of milk, I went to Dumbledore's office.

"Harry, I've been expecting you. You may be late to your first period but I will send a slip to your professor." I nod and I sit in front of him. I grab my journal and a pen from my satchel and place them on the desk. I begin writing while talking.

"So as I said previously, there are seven Horcuxes. There is Tom Riddle's Diary, it is in the possession of a former death eater but I can possibly use my connection to it to find its location. Marvolo Gaunt's ring is hidden at the family's shack. Salazar Slytherin's Locket was last seen with Regulus Black but he has passed. His house elf Kreacher would be able to access it. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, it has a spell to protect it so it'll be a bit hard to get it. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem is in the Room of Requirement, hidden. Then there's Nagini, who is Voldemort's snake and must be with a death eater for safekeeping. And then there's me. In order to kill them, we must get all of them and destroy them."

Dumbledore looks at me with worry. "Harry, I know you are a Horcrux of his. But are you willing to die?" I give him a knowing smile. "I will die, but only the piece of me connected to him. I'll come back... if I choose that is..." Well that started a whole new issue to worry about. I mean, i came back for Ron, Hermione and anyone who survived. But, if I do it right, he will die as I will. He only survived last time since Nagini survived, but if I were to die, I'm sure someone would care enough about my death and have enough love for someone they care about to overpower Voldemort in his weakened state... hopefully. I Shake my head at the negative thoughts and return to the conversation.

He smiles as if he knew what was going on in my head, before getting a tad serious. "Harry, how do you know all this?"

My smile falters. I don't see a point in lying to him. "I am from the future, a different timeline let's call it. I defeated him in the original one. But it took years because you would keep me in the dark to protect me. Also it was awful losing my last year of school since I was on the run. I was too embarrassed to come back. My friends also joined me and dealt with so much loss as I did. One came back to school but it was still embarrassing, even after helping defeat Voldemort. I want to kill him and I want to kill him now. So many innocents will be saved, so many people won't have to resort to killing others. There was a war here, Proffesor. So many students died and took a life or heavily injured someone for the first time out of self defense." I purposely leave his own death out. If I can prevent it he does not need to know. But I'm sure he already suspects it.

"Harry, I know you intend to kill him but you are very young. You have no spells or knowledge-" "With all respect Dumbledore, I may be 11 years old, but I have the knowledge and power of an Auror. We can try to find a way around the whole possible damaging or splitting of my soul part of it comes to that. I am mentally 20 years old, but sometimes my mind reverts back to when I was this age. " He raises an eyebrow.

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