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Draco was struggling to sleep. Wondering how Harry got those marks. After an hour he jumps out of bed to screams. Harry is thrashing violently, scratching his left arm intensely, as well as his chest.

Draco ran to his bed and shook him. "Harry! Harry!" After shaking him violently, Harry wakes up terrified. He can't move well, his body exhausted from all his thrashing. He starts to sob quietly. Draco unsure of what to do, sits on the bed and just pats his shoulder.

Once Harry stops sobbing, Draco goes to move but Harry stops him. "Don't leave me." He says so quiet, Draco thought he imagined it. "I'm just grabbing a tissue." Harry clung to Draco's silk sleeve while he grabbed a few tissues and wiped Harry's nose and face. Harry was too terrified to wonder why Draco was so good at taking care of someone.

Harry stays half awake the rest of the night. Draco was too scared to leave the boy alone so he stayed up with him. They both lay on the queen size mattress. Draco sitting up against the headboard, reading while Harry is laying on his lap. Harry feels so weird now. He truly feels like a kid again but something is missing. But it's not important. The clock shows it's time to get up, but neither do.

Harry's POV:

I finally grab my glasses and wand from my nightstand. I grab a piece of paper and a pen to write a quick note before using my wand to swish it away. I sit up and cross my legs to look at Draco. "Thank you for last night. I haven't had that happen to me in-" I stop what I was saying as I don't know what I was trying to say. It was on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember when that happened last. I just know I've had night terrors before.

"It's alright. What are friends for? Besides, if I'm lucky I can miss some classes today. Who did you send a message to?" Draco says. I look at him and he has black, silk pajamas and his hair is somewhat tamed even without gel. "I sent a message to Snape about it and he should be here when he has time... You should think about not gelling your hair back, it looks nice and fluffy this way." Draco blushed a bit and I blush a ton. I throw my face in my hands. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired and-" Draco begins laughing and it makes me quirk a smile. "I'll think about it. Also, should I leave then so Snape won't be upset?" I give him a smile.

"That big teddy bear will let you stay if I tell him you made me feel better. He'll probably tell me to rest all day and keep you here in case I have another night terror." I say. He nods and soon enough, Snape enters the room with his usual dramatic flair by opening the double doors so hard they both hit the walls.

"Potter, it seems you have decided to skip classes due to a nightmare? And made your roommate skip with you as well? Should I worry about your influence on a young mind with such potential?" He says. I have to do my best not to roll my eyes. "They were horrible, Sna- Professor Snape. But I can't remember what they were about." He quirks a black eye brow and looks to Draco. "He was scratching his arm and chest so much that he started bleeding. He was screaming a lot. He needs help." His face mirrors how he feels. Scared and worried. It warms my heart that someone feels like that for me.

"Let me see the injuries." Snape says monotonously. I take off my long sleeve sleep shirt and there is dried blood everywhere. Whenever I changed earlier I didn't look at them, afraid of what I would find. He picks up my arm and examines it. "This is very similar to the Dark Mark from Voldemort. Maybe it has something to do with your past. I'm not sure about your chest, but I'll heal it all up right away." Snape comes to a conclusion. Before flicking his wand, my wounds healing, only leaving behind red skin.

"Once it's the end of the day, come to my office. I shall look at your dreams and find out what they mean." He says before leaving. Draco gives me a smirk. "I guess you're right. He is a big teddy bear. At least to you."

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