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  After we are dismissed from the Great Hall,Draco is walking by my side, Crabbe and Goyle behind me. The searing pain from the scar is now a distant memory. I see the stairs to Dumbledore's office and I stop. "I'll see you guys later." Crabbe and Goyle keep walking and Draco raises a pale eyebrow. "Harry, where are you going?" I give him a reassuring smile. "I have to talk to Dumbledore." He just shrugs and walks off. I wait for everyone to pass until I say "Sherbet Lemon." The Gryffindor statue rises and reveals the stairs. I step on them and they lead me to the Headmasters office. Once I reach his office, I see Fawkes first. He is about to pass, I can tell. I brush his feathers like I know how he likes. "Harry, how can I help you?"

  Dumbledore is walking down his stairs onto the same floor as I and sits at his desk. I stand properly in front of his desk and take him in. I hadn't seen him in years, due his death. I can't tell him that but I can do my best to change it. "I know about everything. From Voldemort, my connection to him, to how many Horcruxes there are and where they are." He raises an eyebrow and waves a hand for me to explain.

  " There is Tom Riddle's Diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, and Nagini, then there's me. In order to kill him, we must get all of them. I know their locations and everything. Call on the Order of the Phoenix and we can retrieve everything. Trust me Professor, the sooner we retrieve them, the sooner we can prevent innocent lives being lost." He stands up and walks over to me. "How do you know all this Harry?" I think for a second for a good enough answer.

  "I had a dream. A dream of him killing my parents. When I woke up I accidentally connected with him and read his mind. He is weak and I know his whereabouts. We must kill him while he is too weak to get to me through his side of the connection." Dumbledore nods and goes over to Fawkes, stroking his feathers. "How do you know of the Order of the Phoenix?" I just say "I read about it in something my father wrote in one of his journals." Oh god, why am I so good at lying?

  "Harry, to kill a person is-" "Dumbledore. I don't need your advice. I need you to help. You have the Elderwand. You are one of the most powerful wizards now. He won't see what's coming. I already have a plan." Dumbledore smiles and he walks over and places a hand on my shoulder.

  "As much as I don't want you to kill someone, you are The Chosen One. Only you can do it. Go to your dorm and I shall see you tomorrow after your classes. I shall prepare you." I look at Fawkes. "Dumbledore, if we do it my way, we'll be done before Hawkes rises from the ashes." I leave Dumbledore and go to the Slytherin dorm. I am unsure of how to get to the dorm though. I groan and head to someone who will.

  I go to the potions class and knock on the door. Snape opens it, confused and obviously annoyed. "Shouldn't you be in your dorm, Potter?" I smile at his irritation. "Sna- Professor Snape. I am not my father and I am not my mother. But I am sorry that my father bullied you, made your life a living hell as the Dursley's have made mine. I am a half blood just like you who has joined Slytherin. My father was a great man, but an awful student, and an even worse classmate. Please remember that I am not him." He looks at me quizzically. "Why are you here?" I sheepishly smile and put a hand on the back of my neck. "I was in Dumbledore's office. I don't know where my dorm is or how to get there." Snape rolls his eyes and dramatically swishes his cape.

  He leads me to the dungeons and I think how fitting this is. We end up at a bare wall. "Pureblood." He says and the passage appears. "Of course." I mutter under my breath. He then leaves, and I'm glad he didn't chew me out like he normally would. So maybe I made some progress. I am lead to a lavish common room. I vaguely remember it from when I was pretending to be Goyle with the poly juice potion. I see Draco, sitting alone, reading some sort of book. He snaps it closed as soon as I enter.

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