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Harry PoV

Everyone was ecstatic at the thought of each house planning their own event for Halloween.

Planning for the event has been going smoothly. Many Slytherins have attempted to bully others into doing their tasks or to have their elves do them. I told them if I found out either happened they would be banned from being involved.

I am in my room now, staring at a photo of my parents that I asked Dumbledore for. It's their wedding day, and they are more than happy. Dumbledore was also able to summon baby photo albums as well and I noticed even more resemblance between my parents and me.

Something is quite odd though. There are photos of my dad straight from the womb covered in blood and whatnot, but the earliest photo of my mom was maybe a few months old.

I searched through all the photos since perhaps they were scrambled but they were in perfect order. There were dates on the back and what made a migraine appear was the back of a photo of my mother laying in a cradle with my aunt Petunia glaring down at her. I'm guessing my grandparents are by their sides. It's odd, my grandmother had blonde and dark eyes, my grandfather had dark hair and dark eyes, and Petunia has light hair that later turns dark with light eyes. Now that I think about it, I've never met a redhead from my mom's side of the family.

March 3rd, 1960: Adoption Day

I dropped the entire album and Apparated in Dumbledore's office. Snape was there and they seemed to have been in a critical discussion. I wouldn't have interrupted but this is a serious matter.

Before Snape can open his mouth I cut him off. "I'm sorry for interrupting. But this is important, it has the do with my mother." Snape's mouth shuts right after that. I Accio the photo and show it to Dumbledore. "Was my mother adopted?" The Headmaster looks at the photo, with no emotion on his face. "I wouldn't be able to confirm it, I wasn't the Headmaster until 1970 and she was born in 1960. Perhaps the last Headmaster, Dippet has information. I'll request a meeting for tomorrow." I nod.

I look to Snape, and he seems as shocked as I am, meaning my mother never knew she was adopted.

I'm questioning everything now. It makes even more sense as to why Petunia hates me. But was my mother by chance a pure blood wizard, making me one as well? A pure blood, Slytherin, the Chosen one just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

Tomorrow at noon

I sit in front of a mirror, and it doesn't take long to wonder why. An old man soon appears. "So... you know." I nod. "We found your mother after a mass genocide. The killer was never found, so for her safety, we placed her in a muggle home. Wizards rarely get put with muggle families, even when that is all they have left, but we knew she would be safe."

"Who were her parents?" He sighs. "They were a kind, pure blood couple. I don't have much time to give details so I will tell you what you need to know before you go digging into things you are too young to understand." I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Salazar Slytherin had a secret affair before he married the woman he was betrothed to. She was a pure blood, but from a lower status family. She got pregnant and kept the child a secret." He is silent while I piece it all together.

"So, there was another line of Slytherin?" I ask. He nods. "Yes, and your ancestor also believed in pure blood ways, so all her descendants were to have pure blood spouses. Your mother, was a pure blood, Slytherin. Making you-" "A pure blood, heir of Slytherin, who is in the Slytherin house?" He nods.

"So... I am... related to Voldemort?" He nods. "Since your ancestor was born before Salazar's legitimate heir, technically, you are the rightful heir of Slytherin." This is a complete shock. How could I, even my mother, who was known as the kindest person when she was alive, be related to such blood purists?

"I must leave now. If you have questions, feel free to owl me. It's was nice to meet you, Harry Potter." We say good byes and I sit in shock.

After awhile, Dumbledore leaves his desk. "Well, what will you do with this information Harry?" I take a second. Heir of Slytherin, means snake, which means I am the rightful heir to the basilisk, if the Slytherin rumors are to be trusted. "I need to go." He nods and I leave. I go straight to the restroom and go through the motions of getting to the chamber. I don't know how I know all this, it feels like I've done this before.

I decide, it would be safer to bring someone with me, to message Dumbledore if I am incapacitated. But if I'm right, I won't need it. I send a flying message to Draco, and after a bit he shows up.

"Yes, Harry?" He asks. "I need your help." He raises a blonde brow. "You can't tell anyone, but I am the..." I look around and make sure Mertyl isn't listening. I whisper in his ear. "Don't react, but I am the Heir to Slytherin. There is a Basilisk below here, and she is rightfully mine. I have to claim her before Voldemort does." I rush out in a whisper. He takes a moment to process it, and he nods.

Once we get there, I see her sleeping, in a curled position. When she's not trying to kill me, she is kinda cute.

"Stay here. If I die, get Dumbledore." Before he can do anything, I go up to the hibernating snake.

Now I have no idea what to do.

I look to Draco and he rolls his eyes. "You have to use your blood, and say your family name. That is how we claim our heirlooms and such." I nod.

I use my extra quill from my bag and slide it across my hand. Blood starts to seep and I smear it a bit to cover my hand.

Draco steps back and I continue. I place my hand on her snout. "I, Harry Potter, the rightful Heir of Slytherin, claim you, Basilisk of Slytherin." I felt a power whoosh through me, and I can see it go through the snake. It's bright yellow eyes snap open, and it starts to untangle itself.

You are the heir of Slytherin?

My blood does not lie. I speak in parseltongue.

Her snake tongue licks her snout. She then lets out a purr like hiss.

Yes, you have the blood of my master.

I stand still. It seems she is inspecting me.

You will do nicely. As a pure blood, and as the heir to my master, you are now my newly appointed master. Why have I been awoken?

I keep myself strong in posture, and muster up all my courage.

Someone wished to take you from me. And use you to do things I would not approve of.

She hisses.

Who would dare try to force me to disobey my master?

His name is Tom Riddle, he is the next, and only heir after me.

I recognize you as my master, and I am here to do your bidding. What shall you have me do master?

I know it's a lot to ask, but may I bring pieces of his souls for you to destroy?

She looks skeptical.

You are the mighty Basilisk, with very powerful venom, which there is only one cure. Your venom can kill within seconds, which means you can destroy these horcruxes.

She hisses in delight.

Yes, I am the mighty Basilisk. My venom is yours, I shall do as you wish, master.

After a few pets, I send her off to sleep. Draco is just flabbergasted. "I know you are the heir of Slytherin, but you can speak parsel tongue?" I nod.

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