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Draco POV

It's Sunday so we don't have any classes. I look around and people are talking about All Hallows Evening. It is in less than a month. Some people are talking about sneaking out and doing seances or going to hogsmeade.

I know there'll be a feast and not much else. Harry comes into the lounge and plops himself on the couch. "This Halloween is gonna be eventful..." I question him but I don't ask. It's none of my business even though I want to pry open his brain and learn all his secrets.

"I wish. Why couldn't there be a party or something?" Harry perks up at that and sits up straight. "You know what, that's not a bad idea. Each Hogwarts house can have their own Halloween- I mean All Hallows Evening attraction. I have a few ideas already. I have to ask Dumbl- Professor Dumbledore. You should come with." I shrug and go ahead. I am curious to see his office.

We head straight to his office. I am dressed in my casual attire which consists of slacks and a long sleeve, black button up. Harry is trying to teach me how to dress more casual but I am not comfortable yet which he understands.

It's hard to attempt to be nice or a better person all the time when I was raised to believe I am better than everyone else and to basically be a git to those below me 24/7. I still believe that, but Harry showed me the world doesn't revolve around me.

You'd think Harry would be lapping up the attention, good or bad. He is the "Chosen One" who is supposed to give hope against the Dark Lord. But he hates the attention.

He is actually really kind and he helps out fellow Slytherin's who struggle with their work or spells. Also he gained respect from most of the Slytherin house due to his weird relationship with Snape. Snape gave us the wrong reading the other day and Harry told him without getting detention from it and even got the homework for that day dismissed. There are some Slytherin's who are wary, and these Slytherin's are the children of former death eaters. If He comes back, they will surely follow in their parents' footsteps. Also he is a Half-Blood, his mother was muggle born. If she was a half blood he would have less hate since most Slytherin's understand that even though Purebloods are superior, there'd be no one to be inferior to us if the population died out.

Now that I'm friends with Harry, I have less reasons to join Him. Before, I didn't want to since he is a crazy lunatic that kills purebloods who didn't even consort with muggles, and it wasn't hard to find this information no matter how hard my father tried to hide it from me. He killed James Potter, who was the last Pureblood Potter and all he did was fall in love with a mud- muggle born witch. It's actually quite sad.

Before I know it, we are at Dumbledore's entry. Harry says some nonsense words that fit the old man and a staircase takes us up.

It was what I expected of the old man. Many books, a dual stair case. Even the Phoenix wasn't surprising. Everyone who is an anybody would know that all Dumbledore descendants have a phoenix at some point in their life.

As we entered the room, Harry pets the bird as if it is an old friend. The bird suddenly combusted in flames and I stepped back, but Harry just stood there as he watched the end of the bird's lifecycle end.

As soon as the baby chick erupted from the ash, Harry pet it softly. "Welcome back, Fawkes." The bird chirped and nudged Harry's finger.

I stared in wonder at the creature. To this day we have no idea why this bird has such a power, but it is was amazing to witness it, as Phoenixes are extremely rare.

"Welcome, Harry. Draco." Dumbledore nodded towards us with that stupid twinkle in his eye. His eyes always twinkle when it comes to Harry and it's quiet weird, on the verge of creepy.

"Hello, profesor Dumbledore. Draco had a notion and I came upon a wonderful idea." Dumbledore's eyes were just ablaze and I was kind of surprised at Harry's casual demeanor around the Headmaster.

Harry told the idea to the Headmaster and he agreed of course. I can see there is a favoritism toward Harry and it was suspected. I am surprised Harry is actually taking advantage of it like a true Slytherin. I wouldn't expect him to use it for bad and he isn't.

Dumbledore just had a few rules which were understandable but boring. Harry was slightly smirking and I can tell he has something unexpected up his sleeve.

He said he would announce it at the Great Hall during supper and sent Harry and I on our way after saying some sort of riddle.

Harry decided to go to our dorm and I followed since I wanted to dress better for our meal. Like I said, my clothing is a work in progress.

Harry groaned as he looked at his homework. He has only arithmancy and he is bloody terrible at it. He aces almost every other class we are in but is awful at arithmancy.

I wanted to watch him suffer since he is better at everything else, but I shrug away that feeling. I've learned friends aren't minions, they are meant to be people who you can rely on and rely on you.

I walk over to his bed and my eyebrows are high at his work. "How did you even get that number? How did you mess up the formula? And what in the bloody hell is that supposed to be?" I pointed at the symbol and he throws his head into the bed. He muffles out "I don't even know." I look at the clock on the wall, and we have one hour before supper.

"This will take until supper to teach you, or we'll miss it if your brain is the size of a gargoyle's ." Harry chuckles lightly and we spend the next hour, me reteaching and Harry understanding so painfully slow.

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