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Authors POV

Draco got to sleep for a good 8 hours before he woke up. Classes were about over. Harry is squirming wildly. Tears are streaming down his face before he lets out a blood curdling scream. He goes to wake him up but Harry is throwing weak punches and kicks.

Draco touches his face on accident. Harry's eyes open but they are glazed over. "Cedric..." Harry says. He places his hands on top of Draco's who is wide eyed, baffled and extremely confused. He has never touched someone's face before, let alone someone's hands, so he felt a slight discomfort and wanted to pull away, but something told him not to.

He didn't move them, scared Harry would freak out. "Let's go..." Draco says in an uncharacteristically soft voice. Harry nods sluggishly. In order to pull him out of bed, he had Harry's arms around his neck.

Once he got Harry to stand, he had to help Harry get to Snape's office with the brunette's arm on his shoulder and his own on the other's back. Harry is walking sluggishly, mumbling incoherently.

When they were a few doors from Snape's classroom, Harry screams again. This time a name leaves his lips once again. "Cedric!" Whatever students are left stop and stare at him. Whispering without offering a hand and wondering who Cedric is.

Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger turn the corner and see the scene unfold. They run to their new found friend they have barely seen and help Draco take Harry to his destination.

Hermione is using whatever spell she learned from a book to ease pain, while Ron his holding Harry's other side. Draco is holding Harry still, afraid what would happen if he lets him go.

Snape hears the commotion and runs, well more like speed walks with his robe flaring dramatically behind him, down the hall. He picks Harry up bridal style silently and takes him into his office before shutting the door in the faces of Harry's friends who thought they would be allowed in.

"Malfoy, what is wrong with Harry? What did you do to him?" Ron accuses the blonde. It takes all of Draco not to sneer and tell him to mind his own red headed, poor excuse of a pure bloods' business. But he remembers Harry's words about not having to be like his parents. "He has been having night terrors. This one is the worst one yet. He hasn't hurt himself but he never screamed like this." Hermione is silent, thinking. "Someone can only have night terrors like that if they have severe trauma. What has he gone through to have them this bad?" Draco then remembers all the bruises and scars Harry has that are from his family. Draco begins to say "It's none of your concern Mud-" out of defense but Draco stops mid word and Hermione sends him a look that dares him to continue. He then says "I mean, I can't say. It's not my place." Ron is staring at the blonde, mouth agape with how he withheld information for once, and also refrained from using any rude and prejudice language this entire conversation while not being a git.

They then hear Harry screaming his lungs out. Draco tries to open the door but it won't open. Ron then yells "It's bloody push not pull!" matter of factly. He goes to do it but it still won't budge. Hermione rolls her eyes and yells "He locked it! And it's pull Ronald!"

Both the boys step back and before Hermione can utter the spell, the screaming stops. The three look at each other, afraid for the worst. Snape then opens the door.

"I gave him a potion that will wake him up. But it seems his pain and anguish, has caused some... after effects." The three stare at Harry as Snape steps back.

Harry is unconscious still, but different. It appears his psychological stress has caused his body to change.

Harry Potter, an orphan, a half blood Slytherin, the Chosen One to defeat Voldemort, a descendant of the Three Brothers, now has stressed induced vitiligo.

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