15 This is Halloween

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Everything is set, and the dungeons are ready. We have enchanted hedges to last for the night in this maze that we have created, floating candles casting an eerie glow, making the shadows even more dramatic and making them appear as if they have things hidden among them.

Draco is matching me, wearing a black button down whereas mine is white, we have sleek black dress pants. He has on black dress shoes as I'm wearing running shoes, as I will need them shortly.

He greets people as they come in, and only allows a group of 6 at a time. I greet them and begin telling them the rules of this cursed maze.

"Welcome, my fellow peers to Slytherin's cursed maze. I, Harry Potter will cha- I mean guide you down the path of this maze. So, rule one is, don't step too close to the hed- ahh!" I purposefully step too close to the hedge that consumes me with vines before spitting me out on the opposite of it. "Where did he go?" "I think the hedge ate him!" and many other scared responses to my disappearances can be heard. I smirk and quickly apply fake blood to my face and shirt, before grabbing my invisibility cloak. I swoosh my wand and the lights go out completely, and the boys and girls scream in terror. I swoosh to the sky, clouds forming, causing thunder and lightening that will temporarily illuminate our surroundings. Music comes from the cloud, which is my queue.

I place the cloak to where only my head is seen and step out through the hedge head first, and they scream as they see my head floating.

I begin to chase them and the ones who ended up at a dead end, I would push them through the hedges and they would end up behind the hedge to be safely escorted out by Slytherins. A Ravenclaw fell and screamed with her eyes shut, so I stuck a hand out of my cloak and dragged her closer to a hedge so it would consume her and spit her out.

I see that two girls have made it to the door, trying to get it open. I tut and say "Only one can make it through." I chuckle as I see the tallest of the two shove her friend into the hedge without a second thought and tries to open the door again. I chuckle darkly and say "I'm sorry did I say only one? I meant to say... none!" and I grab her and throw her through as well, her screams filling the air. As the vines and leaves consume her to where only her eyes were visible, I say "There's nothing I hate more than traitors." as I remove the cloak fully and her eyes begin to water as she gets fully consumed and spits out the other side.

I knock on the door twice, once then three times to get the others to open the door, which leads to the Slytherin Common room.

I look to the others who want to take over in scaring our peers who were watching the entire time, trailing behind me. "And that, is how it's done." They all smile and head to the entrance of the maze to all take their turn. I go to my room and clean my face of the fake blood and grimace at the red water.

I go to my bed and pull out the journal that Dumbledore gave me and the one I got myself in order to write down what I need to take on Voldemort by my own measures. I've looked through the rooms of requirement to see what I could find, and found a journal belonging to Isolt Sayre, saying where she buried the Wand of Salazar Slytherin, seeing if I can get ahold of it to use against Voldemort, as our wands are twins it would be impossible to do serious harm to one another.

I tried to take the journal but it would disappear as soon as I left the room, so I got this journal to write down important information from there as well.

Draco comes into the room smiling. "Harry, the maze was a success! So many people left in tears and even some left separately. And the last girl, that Hufflepuff, she was a bloody mess! What did you say anyways?" I just shrug and say "The truth." He looks at me quizzically and says "So, any new information on the wand?"

I sigh and put down the book. "Yes, but I have to wait till this summer to retrieve it. I know where it's buried, well supposed to be if someone hasn't retrieved it. I think I may know a spell to tragic it's magical signature." Draco nods and sits on my bed.

"We can go together. I'll ask my father to go on a trip to see the tree, a legacy of the Salazar Slytherin. Say he was a hot topic in our class and it would make many of our peers jealous, he would just have to let us go then."

I chuckle and nod, happy with the plan.

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