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After a long first day, I head straight to Dumbledore's office. I see him and Snape conversing before they stop as soon as they notice me. "Ah, Harry. Come here and sit. We will start momentarily." Dumbledore says.

I nod and place my satchel by the door before sitting at the chair in the middle of the office. Snape then hands me a potion. "It's a memory potion. It will allow me to enter your mind along with your Headmaster. He will collect what must be collected and I'll be there to make sure what needs to stay will stay." I nod and down it like I would have when I started partying when I came of age.

The taste is the exact same as the time Snape infiltrated my mind. It doesn't take long until I feel them both in my head. But this time, it's different. Instead of my memories feeling violated, I am walking along a grey road. Blue orbs on the left, green on the right, and gold ones afar.

Dumbledore begins talking before we begin our journey. "On the left here, are your old memories. You can take a few of them to be put away as well, it's just your young mind can hold so much at once. So half of these memories in here have to leave." I nod and Snape starts.

"On the right here, Potter, we have your newer memories, from your new timeline. The ones down there are your core memories, the ones who make you who you are. They must stay." I nod and I look down them.

I see a few where the Dursley's were either verbally or physically abusing me. I was tempted to erase those but I need like to know who hurt me and keep that close to me. On the right, I see a few happy moments like Ron and Hermione's wedding , Ginny and I's first date but I suppose if I erase those now, I will be able to remake them in the future at least the wedding part. I point the two that are side by side. "I would like those two memories erased." Snape nods and takes out two vials to place them in.

We continue walking, and I start to see my memories get even worse as I progress down the line. I start to see the deaths of those I care about. Sirius, Dobby, just to name a few. "Any deaths that are here on this side I would like them erased if my attempts are fruitful then I will be able to prevent them. Any battles are to be put away for reference, since I will either prevent them or they will happen anyways." Dumbledore wordlessly places the memories into vials.

By the time I reach the end, we are at my core memories. Snape says "As you were told earlier Potter, these are your core memories and make you who you are. I suggest you remove a few more memories out of this whole mindscape or else there'll be great consequences, and you could eventually lose every memory." I nod and look through them.

The first memory, I see is the death of my parents. I was young, but I still manage to remember it. I'll keep that because it is what I will need in order to kill Voldemort. I then see Vernon doing despicable things and I don't look at it no longer. I'm sure the professor and Headmaster saw but I say nothing. I need those memories because at the end of the day they contribute to who I am and truly shows that adults will do anything even do this or kill me if it comes down to it. I then see Cedric Diggory and I's first kiss. Then after that was our first time. Then his death. I want those close to me. They mean so much to me, even the bad ones.

I turn to the both of them. "I've decided to keep these. Any memories from the left or right that are of me having romantic feelings need to be removed. But if possible, leave a reminder for each one. To not get romantically involved." They both nod and grab them into vials. "Destroy them. They only brought me pain and sorrow in the end. Cedric was the only one who mattered to me. Sadly, he isn't mine to keep." They both look to each other before taking me back to reality.

I wake up, feeling like I've missed something. But then I get a feeling from the back of my mind to not think about it. I look up to Snape and Dumbledore. "Did we succeed?" They both nod and I feel a small weight lift off my shoulders. I then begin to feel lightheaded before I collapse.

Third person POV

Snape caught Harry before he could fall face first into the floor. Dumbledore volunteered to go through and organize all the memories, discarding the ones that must be discarded, and making sure the most important ones are closer to the front of his collection. Snape picked up Harry bridal style and took him to he and Draco's shared dorm. Draco is wide awake and is worried for his roommate. "Is he going to be all right?" Draco asks worriedly. Snape monotonously replied "Yes, Draco he will be fine. He just needs rest." Draco nods as Harry is dropped onto the bed and Snape leaves without a word.

Draco takes it upon himself to make Harry more comfortable. So he removes his robes, his button up shirt, his slacks and his shoes and socks. But as he gazed Harry's body, he was met with purple, black and pink marks. He places the clothes he wore onto his dresser, neatly folded for Harry to put away another day and places his shoes at the end of his bed, he then removed his glasses and put them onto his nightstand and struggles, but finally puts Harry's covers over him. His thought process was 'What kind of roommate would I be if I were to not help out a fellow Slytherin? Just because my parents are arseholes does not mean I need to be one especially someone to a friend' That was his reasoning but not true reason for helping him.

He then wonders 'What monsters would do such a thing to a child? The Chosen One at that?'

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