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Draco was beyond ready to leave, too prideful to say he was scared of being eaten alive by my new companion, instead said "We will miss supper."

We quickly ate since he had many questions for me, and made sure I ate enough too. Once we are in our dorm, he sits on his bed and I sit on mine.

"So... you are the last relative of a man who wants to kill you and has tried to since you were very young?" I nod. "You're too... nice to be related to him..." he mumbles. I laugh.

"You're quite right, but I'm sure he isn't aware of the situation, and it probably wouldn't change the outcome if he did." Draco nods. "So, you talk to snakes? Can you talk to anything else?" I laugh again.

"Not that I've tried. I don't want to see if I can talk to a dragon." Once the word leaves my lips, I shiver. I don't know why, but I'm sure it has something to do with my past life.

"Good point. How are you taking the news, then?" I shrug. "Well, it really isn't all that surprising. I thought I could speak Parseltongue because a piece of Voldemort's soul is within me, but it appears it's just a shared family trait." Draco pales for a second.

"What other traits do you share?" He seems a bit afraid.

"Well, I can say what makes me different. I've never killed anyone, I've never wanted to take over the wizarding world, I've never really hurt anybody in my entire life... is there anything else I am missing?"

The blonde shakes his head, his gelled hair still in place. "Not that I can think of. I've never met the man face to face, I've only heard rumors. My father wouldn't let me read any articles or anything, claiming they are propaganda to scare people." I sigh. "If only that were true. But I am a living example of those said "rumors"." I say. He nods this time.

"I hope you can get through to my father. He wants me to become a death eater in a few years. I can't even comprehend what it would be like being someone who is trying to get you killed." I quickly cross the room and bend down slightly, so we are face to face. "You don't need to worry. It'll take time but he'll warm up to me, he'll only hate me when I-" I lost the thought as soon as it appeared. "I" did what. I can't think at all of what I was trying to say. "Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." He looks a bit confused and nods.

"Some Slytherin's were planning on heading to Hogsmeade this weekend. Do you want to come?" I raise a brow. "How will you get there and how will you bring anything back?" He smirks. "Well, there are tunnels within these dungeons that were made by your ancestor himself. And our house elves can just bring them back so if we are caught, we can just say we were exploring the grounds."

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