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Halloween is tomorrow night and the students of Hogwarts could not be more excited. Last minute touch ups were added to their sections of the castle.

Slytherin's was in a maze like part of the dungeons. Since Harry and Draco were the ones who came up with the idea and planned it, they were in charge while overseed by the prefects of course.

Harry was called into Dumbledore's office right after classes were over via Owl. Harry was happy to suddenly see Hedwig as she plopped the letter into his hand before plopping onto his shoulder.

Her talons were tight on his shoulder but he didn't mind as he enjoyed his time with her.

Harry went to Dumbledore's office as soon as he got it.

"Hello, Harry." The old man said. Harry nodded back and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. "I have a journal for you. Let's say it's a gift from someone close to you."

Harry was at a lost for words, unsure of who would have done such a thing. He opens it and it has his hand writing, and the first chapter is titled the Sorcerer's Stone. It's completely empty as Harry grazes through the blank pages.

Dumbledore's stood up and placed his wand on the cover of the book. "Mysteria revelare." Harry opens it again, and one whole chapter is revealed but nothing more.

"Where is the rest?" Harry asks. Dumbledore smiles, his eyes twinkling. "They will be revealed to you over time. Now, only you can open the book and reveal its words, not even I can now that you know the spell."

Dumbledore closes is and says "Abscondam mysteria mea." And the book is now bare of words, even the chapter name is gone.

"Remember these spells and make sure you always lock it back. If it falls into the wrong hands, the wizarding world is at stake." Harry feels a cold sweat break out.

"Why am I..." Harry was unsure of how to say "Why is a first year student carrying the weight of the wizarding kind on his scrawny shoulders?"

Dumbledore sighs. "You are aware of Voldemort correct? His beliefs and his crimes?" Harry nods.

"The night he killed your parents, your mothers love made the killing curse rebound off of you, part of his soul is within you now. I'm sure you realize something is missing here right?" He points to his head, and Harry thinks of what what he could be forgetting, but something tells him to stop.

Harry nods and the old man smiles. "As you progress, the book will give you new journeys that will lead to the ultimate demise of Voldemort. Follow the steps, and learn as much as you can. It is a very dangerous task, are you willing to continue?" Without a beat Harry agrees.

Dumbledore's smile get even wider. "You may be a Slytherin, but you have the bravery of a Gryffindor, the kindness of a Hufflepuff, and the intelligence of a Ravenclaw. I believe in you." Harry can't help but smile at his words. He soon leaves and goes straight to his dorm and unlocks the book once he enters Draco is looking at him curiously.

"What is that?" The brunette snaps the book shut. "I don't know if I should show you. I don't want you to get in trouble." I don't want you to get hurt. "Harry, you think I care about getting in trouble. If you don't want me to know that's fine but you could just say so." Harry sighs.

Harry goes over to Draco's side of the room and plop down on his bed. He then opens the book and show it to him. "The Sorcerer's Stone? As in the Sorcerer's Stone? Harry you have any idea how valuable that is?" Harry nods and takes the book back before he uncovers too much.

"If I find it first, Voldemort can't form a physical body. But I can't want it for the wrong reasons. During Christmas, I'll be going on the hunt for it." Harry feels the danger seeping in just by knowing the steps to the location. "Harry I have to go with you! No one has seen it and believes it's a myth!" He shakes his head.

"No, Draco. What if I come face to face with Voldemort? He will know exactly who you are, and will hurt you and your family. It doesn't matter how loyal your father is to him." Draco freezes instantly and sighs. "Well, is there any way I can help?" Harry think for a moment and smiles. "How good are you at wizarding chess?"

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