Chapter 4: The Chase.

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To say V was lucky would be an understatement, because how in the world had he managed to see the same angel continuously in the past two days was something else. And V knew exactly what it was.


And no way in hell was he going to miss this opportunity. So he did the first thing that came into his mind, he walked right upto the man he will claim soon enough and sat in front of him.

As expected he looked perfect, his clothes were a little baggy but he was in all black yet again. His beautiful light brown eyes were shining in the sunlight that made him look heavenly.

But for once V felt a smirk forming on his face when he saw the slight red hue that spread over the male's cheeks. He was shy. The male tucked one side of his long hair behind his ear and looked around awkwardly.


Jungkook was dying right now, first of all he couldn't look at the man in the eye because those intense eyes were making him melt in his seat

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Jungkook was dying right now, first of all he couldn't look at the man in the eye because those intense eyes were making him melt in his seat. He tried his best to not give off too much but he couldn't do anything when his body decided to betray him and he blushed.

The man in front of him was the definition of handsome so his state was pretty fair.

Finally gaining some strength he looked up front at the male who chuckled looking at his face expressions.

When Jungkook looked up with those wide eyes, he looked like a dear in the headlights to V, which made him chuckle.

"What's so funny? Is there something on my face?" Jungkook asked creasing his eyebrows, but still noticing how the man's lips turned into an enticing boxy smile.

V almost groaned at the melodious voice. He knew for a fact that this would be his favourite voice to listen to from now on.

"Nothing. But there is something on your face though." V replied leaning back on his chair, the smirk still present.

Jungkook looked seriously concerned now, he put up his hands and checked his face through them,"What?" He asked with big bambi eyes looking at V

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Jungkook looked seriously concerned now, he put up his hands and checked his face through them,
"What?" He asked with big bambi eyes looking at V.

V had almost cooed out loud at the expression but stopped himself and cheekily replied,

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