Bonus Chapter 8

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The first thing that Jungkook felt when his sleep spell broke was pain.

His eyes shot open and then shut back again because of the blinding light coming from the balcony door.

He put a hand over his eyes and opened them, slowly adjusting to the light. He looked up at the ceiling of his room and sighed remembering yesterday's events.

He was very much aware of the lack of any other presence in the room and of course the lack of the huge dick he was made to sleep with.

He doesn't remember how he fell asleep, but he knew for a fact that it was somewhere close to when the sun was about to rise.

He looked at the clock and it was around 11 am in the morning, he figured that his husband hadn't woken him up since the man knew he hadn't gotten sleep much.

The audacity! He scoffed at it.

He sat up but groaned loudly when he felt pain in his leg. He tried to sit up slowly and leaned against the headboard slowly just as the door to the room burst open.

Taehyung who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, ran towards him and kneeled down beside the bed,
"What is it?" He asked holding Jungkook's hand who was still breathing heavily.

"My leg," Jungkook said softly looking back at him trying not to show his pain.

Taehyung's face went from concerned to mad for a second before he subdued it, removing the blanket from over Jungkook's leg and both of their eyes went wide when they saw blood over the bandage.

"How the fuck..?" Taehyung paused to look at Jungkook with wide accusing eyes.

"I just checked it an hour ago! How did you manage to make it bleed in an hour?" He said scolding but keeping his voice low.

"How would I know that? I just woke up!" Jungkook replied back, clearly in a mood since he didn't get much sleep.

Taehyung looked up at him tilting his head,
"What?" Jungkook asked seeing the conflicted emotions on his face.

Taehyung looked the other way as he walked to the dressing table and got the first aid kid.

Jungkook smirked when he realised what was happening, Taehyung came back, sat on the bed keeping his husband's leg over his own thighs and started removing his bandage to put a new one.

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face and pushed it up to make the man look into his eyes, Taehyung glared at him with an angry pout.

Jungkook leaned closer so that their noses were almost touching,
"Is hubby mad but can't act on it because he's more worried?" He asked and giggled when Taehyung's eyes widened at the sudden nickname.

Jungkook rarely calls him that but when he does, Taehyung becomes a shying mess.

Taehyung pulled his face away to hide his red face, he pulled away the bandage, looking up at Jungkook once again when he saw the three stitches,
"What the fuck?" Jungkook's expression turned from amusing to terrified in a second.

"Is this what you called it just grazed your skin?" Taehyung asked very calmly but with the wrong calm.

"I swear to god I don't know who did that!" Jungkook hurriedly said panicking since he had obviously forgotten to mention the stitches.

Taehyung made a done face at his husband's words,
"So you don't remember how you got stitches?" He said still with that calm voice but this time himself leaning closer to Jungkook's face intimidating him.

Jungkook who was panicking, quickly shook his head, his brain had stopped working long ago.

Taehyung scoffed at his husband, making Jungkook let out a nervous chuckle.

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